Chapter-7 Little friend.

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So, i suppose, using human fat in soap was a casual thing.

"Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew."

"Your just being dramatic."

Dazai rolls his eyes to the disguested noises i do as Dazai pours the stinky-slimey liqiud on the glass cup as i fake a vomit that makes Dazai rolls his eyes yet again.

"You seriously sell this?" I mutter even tho i know the answer, i been in Dazais 'meetings' to sell the soap he makes and hust stayed there, watched the buyyers sign a contract that they didnt even read.

"Your dramatic." Dazai answers as he starts to heat up the 'mix' of soap and cemicals i hope to never know.

I roll my eyes before my eyes moves over to the window.

They are still there.

"Why dont you fire them away?"

Dazai stops what he is doing to look where im looking at before he stares at the window where shows two man, standing outside their hause door like a pair of statue, straight up staring at emptiyness, serious looks.

"Ahhh.... Yeah. Come on."

I gasp as Dazai grabs by wrist softly to drag me out the hause to let me see the two man standing out, now i notice another detail—

—there is a child. A girl.

"Whats going on..?" I mutter nevously, looking at the black haired small girl sitting on the floor, knees pulled up to her chest and her eyes are open wide, her eyes are shaking like her body. Its disturbing. It really is.

"Fond her by the corner in the basement in the fight club, sir."

One of the man says. I can see Dazai trowing his cigarett away. Walking closer to the girl sitting on the floor and shaking, its not that cold out here.

"Why did you bring her here then?" Dazai asks a obovious question.

"We- we didnt know what to do, sir." The other man answers nervously, nervous about what Dazai would say.

—By time -when Dazai decided Fyodor would be a 'creater' too- Fyodor gave a idea of starting a trainşng leson in tusedays. And as always. Dazai tough it was a great idea. So these mans were in the 'army', a group of man -that is a acually a massive number- that Fyodor and Dazai trained together. When Dazai asked me if i wanted to join them in that training leson, i declined.

I sometimes regreat it. Maybe.

But thats not the topic of this chapter is it?

Maybe in another chapter.—

"This kid is dirty." Dazai simply answers before turning his head to the nervous and kinda scared boys. "Thats enough. Leave."

Thats a simple and easy order.

As those leave Dazai looks away to think, then calmly walks back in the hause as he speaks in a serious yet calm voice.

"Bring her in."


I shook my head in suprise and annoynce, looking up to Dazai then back to the little girl.

"Hey—! W-why do i need to bring h— ah."



"Stay still."

Dazai orders calmly as he pets the girls head. The girl blushs more as she burries her face deeper between her knees as she plays with her fingers, a dumb little silky smile from the relive of the warmness she feels comşng from the water in the tub. And belive me or not, its nice to get someone washing your hair.

I stare at the sight of Dazai acually gently washşng the little girls hair as the girl sits there naked, knees pulled up to her chet as she hugs her legs, i can see the blush on her cheeks and a dumb happy smile on her face. But no one can blame her for being happy.

"Drow your head back." Dazai simply orders and when she obeys he washs the shanpoo off her haşr with water before stepping out the tub and offering his hand to the girl. As he pulls the girl out the tub, he gives her a clean towel -what is rare in this hause- for her to dry herself. Then i give a sign to Dazai. Here.

"What is it?" Dazai asks as he woaks my way as the girl dries herself in afar.

"Who is that?"

"She said her name was Gin, she and her brother was staying at fight club for over two weeks in a small room that we didnt noticed before. She is a good kid."

Dazai answers as i look at the girl. She has long -now clean- silky black hair with pale skşn and skinny body that proves she doesnt eats much. Hidden behind the towel Dazai gave her.

"Will you keep her?"

Dazai looks away, not to aboid my gaze but to think before shaking his shoulders.

"Who knows."


In first days, she refused to talk. Then in the second week she started to talk to Dazai, mostly to beg him to find her brother. We never did. Then after a few weeks she started to talk more normaly, witout mentioning her brother in a few words, then after another few weeks, she started to talk to me too. We were never acually close or talked much. But i never minded her. On tusedays Dazai would bring her with him to the training lessons.

So after a while. They started to train in the backyard. She was a talented girl in Dazais words. When i talked to her i could see she saw Dazai as a father figure whitch i wish that Dazai will never find out becouse if i know something about Dazai, it was he has strong feelings towards his father and i remember some conversaitions we had about Dazais philosophy, the comparisons he makes in the relecionship between father-and-son to god-and-human—


I hear the cheery voice of Dazai, he been in this good mood for today. That makes me feel better too as Dazai trows a arm around my shoulder. I swear im getting brozoned.

"What is it? Whats up with you today anyways."

We both always would be in a more happy mood as we walk downstairs on weekends to fight club but i could see today was slightly more diffrent. But before Dazai answers me or i push him further to answer me, he quickly leaves my side to face the man crowd in the basement, Gin standing at a corner just watching in her useal spot, where is also my useal spot so i just place myself next to her just to watch Dazai.

"Gentleman." Attentions quick drawn to Dazai.

"Today i will hand you all homeworks." Dazai confronts with a dumb smirk on his face, his skin is brighter today and hands in his pockets, as always.

"There will be files i will hand you everyday, a new homework, a new day."

"But today we will cut this short and close the club earlier."

I could hear the sad and comfused noises coming noises from the crowd. Grown ass mans makşng sad noises as if they were little kids. Both me and Gin roll our eyes at the same time.

"I want everyone to start a fight in a regular day basis and lose the fight."

Normal people would do anything to avoid fights, no one wants to get in all the trouble of it.

So this isnt easy as it sounds, belive me.

But to great loyalty the members have towards Dazai, i know everyone will obey. Whitch includes me and Gin too.

"Mr. Nakahara... is that your blood?" My dear boss. The human being i hate the most. Pointing out the blood stains on the shirt that i didnt even noticed while wearing it. What day it was?

"Some of it... yeah."

I can see the annoyence in the mans eyes, in those dark purple eyes.

"Mr. Nakahara, i want to talk to you in my office." Mr. Mori says with his annoyed look replaced with a face calmness.


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