Chapter 10- First kiss -Finale

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I run back to the hause, soldiars- AKA the members and Dazais followers are everywhere, cleaning, preparing soap, doing things i dont give a fuck about that things Dazai ordered them to do that i never paid attention to before—

i wish i paid a little attention.

I run upstairs where our bedroom and offices are and the other members arent allowed to enter there. I burst open Dazais bedrooms door. Its messy.

As useal.

I look through his stuff, through everywhere. I dont know what im looking for but i look for a clue that will prove Dazai didnt left me.

Finaly. A piece of paper. A wrapped up gift.

I take the rectangle wrapped up box-gift and a piece of note under it, first i take the note.

I read the paper, explaining an plan— a suicide plan.

A explanation of Meyhem plan, in detail. Tree main banks, the most used and prefered banks in the country and in the city. I learn that Fyodor and Dazai been planing this;

They both find the idea of creating an army -using the fight club members- put tree each bomb in each buildings that hold all the dept everyone has and that the dept that ruins their life to start from the zero- to let everyone a second change by blowing up the tree buildings with the Meyhem plan. While Dazai is still in one of them, to make sure no cops are involved and also the buildings are empty and the blow ups dont kill anyone but himself.

I feel sick and before i feel lucky or atleast greatfull for learning what they are trying to do, i find a small note under all the explanation, the piece of paper is sign under the name of Dazai Osamu.

"I had great times. Where i felt like home when im with you, when i felt you find yourself while you were with me. To finaly find mate that i know will have forever loyalty for me and that you can understand me. I really wished to spend more time with you. I really did, to have more times where i felt like home next to you, like when... uh. Cant remmember anytime like that now. How sad.

Bye chibi!
                  -Dazai Osamu"

Bastard. I glup, fight my tears back. Why he always has to ruin everything? When i finaly feel like i have a personalty, have a realy ideaty, be a person, when i feel human. When i feel warm and fuzzy with someone. He always has to ruin it.

He always has to leave me.

Then my hand reach outs to the box-gift and slowly open it up with shakey hands, as i finaly reach to my prize— i find a gun.

A gift from Dazai.

I push the gun in my belt and run again, run until my lungs hurt, i shouldnt smoke this much, i run until i reach to the building. Where Dazai is.


I remember the time all the bombs are gonna blow, i have 20 more minutes so first i force open the door of the building which wasnt protected and suprisingly easy to break in to. First i run to the top of the building becouse i know Dazai loves to watch the view.


Im right. Dazai is resting his back to a wall behind him while looking out the huge windows, watching the nights suprisingly mostly empty streets and view. A soft smile on his lips as his srms are crossed, there is a cigarett resting between his fingers.

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