Chapter-9 Disapear

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"Why are they here again?"

"Becouse they wanted to."

I glare back at the tree grow ass man, sit still like a statue or soldiers. Then my glare turns back to Dazai in the passanger seat. Something is wrong.

"Where are we going?"

"You ask too many questions."

Whats up with Dazai today!

I groun in annoyence before i turn my gaze to out the window, its reaining very heavly that i worry about my -our- savety in the car that is droven by Dazai. I trust Dazai in everyway but not in driving.

"See that car?"



"Thats Fedyas car, and the 10 to 20 cars behind us is also our man."

Now that rat is 'Fedya'?

I cring my face in comfuse and nervousness becouse i know dazai is serious so to question him, i lay my back to my seat and take a deep sigh while the tree other grown ass man in the back seats also do the same that makes me annoyed.

But my obemient - which i refuse to accept- makes him smirk happily and aims his gaze back to the road.

It was still raining heavly as Dazai stopped the car, infront of Fyodors car. As Dazai opens the door and gets out the car like i did, the tree members stays in the back seats of the car like statues, probly waiting for Dazais orders.

"Why are we here again?" I ask with my arms crossed, trying to keep myself close to Dazai- the only one with the umbrella- clingşng to his never off brown trenc coat while looking around carefully and suspicously. I just dont trust Fyodor.

Dazai chuckles to myself. "Gonna meet up with the boy, have a little whiny talk about Plan Meyhem." Dazai says with his useal big 'sweet' smile as he walks behind Fyodor with me, trying to stay under his umbrella.

In the end. I meet the boy, Akutugawa. One of the members that Dazai and i choose as the managers -inclueding Fyodor, Hirotsu and a few more names i dont remember- to take care of the other fight clubs around the city, country. But Dazai always makes sure to visit every single basement happening to be in the name of fight club and make sure everyone knows who he is, who is the boss and the one to obey to.

"That was one of a useless meetings." I say, ignoring the fact i slept on Dazais shoulder the whole 'meeting' and i felt like somehow Dazai knew i was gonna do that.

"I think that was fun." Dazai says with his big smile and comfy, happy voice as he takes a sip of the whiskey he is holding. "I must go now."

Dazai said bedore standşng up, tossing his bottle of whiskey at me and leaving the hause witout another word. After he started to traşn his 'boys' in our hause, we rearly had alone time and now he leaved witout sayşng nothing.

But it was okey, becouse i knew Dazai would always coke back.

I thrusted him.

But all that patient finaly ended after 3 and a half week, he was in nowhere.

I could connect Akutugawa but he didnt knew where Dazai was, i tried to call Fyodor, he didnt picked up, i called Gin, she just came to me to comfort me witout any idea where Dazai was.

But i always eneded the calls when i asked someone where Dazai was and when they answered 'Who?'

Fuck the Meyhem Project.

I didnt need or want comfort, i needed and wanted Dazai and to know where the fuck he is.



Omg im still alive 😱 😱

Btw seriously şm too lazy to make new chapters but we are close to end so long way to go brothers.

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