Chapter 1

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UA high, school of future heroes, a key figure even among schools of its kind. They had successfully raised some of the finest heroes the world had ever seen, two of the in fact. The first, All Might, the world's greatest hero, and the second, someone who had the potential and was well on his way to taking the mantle and surpassing his master, someone who was currently in his second year at UA, Izuku Midoriya.

UA had just resumed a few days back, after a long brutal war between the heroes and the villains, resulting in the deaths of many, but the main threat of All for One had been vanquished, for now. In his last moments the villain managed to transfer his consciousness into his successors body, effectively killing him in the process.

To Izuku it was something that shouldn't have happened, but deep down he was a bit relieved, one less problem to deal with. He was outside, despite the cold reminiscing on the war, and how hard he and his friends fought, just to survive. Bakugo nearly died, All Might as well, Uraraka got stabbed in the stomach, Jirou lost an ear and Shoto was put out of commission for months.

Luckily those were the only ones who got seriously injured, all because of All for One. Sometimes he wished All Might finished him off all those years ago, but alas he could only wish. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't pay attention to the students that walked past him, juniors waving to him, or seniors who came to respect him for beating All for One.

"Dude what are you doing out here? You're gonna catch a cold" a feminine voice said pulling out of his thoughts.

Izuku turned to the voice to see class 2Bs 'big sis' Kendo.

"Oh, hello Kendo-san" he greeted with a smile.

It surprised her how quickly his expression changed, just some seconds ago he looked like he was about to commit murder.

"Hey Midoriya. Something on your mind?" she asked sitting next to him.

"To answer your question yes. I've been thinking about alot of things lately"

"Even so, it's freezing out here. You could've at least put on something" she scolded. Izuku chuckled, leave it to Kendo to act like the big sis.

"I guess so, so how have you guys been? Especially after ... you know" he asked quietly. The mood became a bit more somber.

"It's hard really, especially after Awase's death, but we're all trying to look at the brighter side of things, we're heroes after all" she said with a slight waver in her voice.

"I-i'm sorry, for bringing that up" Izuku apologized. He too felt bad, he and Awase had become pretty good friends ever since the match between the two classes in their first year, even still he couldn't imagine how his own classmates felt.

"You don't have to, not at all. You're the one who saved us all by beating All for One. We owe you alot"

Izuku looked down a bit embarrassed. He still hadn't gotten used to the praises that were thrown at him, and really didn't think he would. It just wasn't him.

"Welp. Gotta go Midoriya. It was nice seeing you after all this time" Kendo said getting up.

"Yeah. Goodnight"

"Yo Midoriya! You're back!"
Izuku winced at the tone in which his classmates yelled, and had to brace for impact as they rushed him.

They really were happy their friend was okay, and were grateful to him.

"Welcome back problem child" a bandaged Aizawa greeted with a small smile.

"It's good to be back sensei"

They all settled down and the classes began. It wasn't anything they weren't used to. Eventually the class ended as the bell for lunch break rang.

Aizawa left the class leaving the students to do whatever, he really couldn't care less anymore.
They all headed out to grab lunch, with some noticing some changes in the green haired cinnamon roll.

"What have you been doing all these months? You look ripped!" Kirishima asked. Izuku scratched the back of his head while chuckling.

"And taller. The hell have you been eating?" Bakugo asked speaking for the first time.

Izuku actually didn't notice it, but he did have a few growth spurts here and there, now being slightly shorter than Iida.
They all talked about their experiences, some good, some bad, but it was necessary for them to let it all go.

Izuku noticed some class B students and decided to talk to them. Was it nerve wrecking? Yes, but right now he felt they needed an apology.

"I'll be right back" he said getting up and going after them.

The party of class B students were surprised to see Midoriya approaching them.

"Midoriya? What brings you here?" Yui asked in her usual monotone voice.

Izuku shuffled around nervously, before taking a deep breath and speaking.

"I'd like to apologize, for what happened. I know it's probably not my place to speak on your class matters, but I still feel you need an apology" he said bowing.

"Woah woah dude! No need for that. If anything we should be the ones thanking you" Pony interjected.

"Yeah. You were the man of the hour back there!" Tetsutetsu added.

"I'm glad you don't hold any grudges against us. Let's us all try to get along, both classes" he said walking away.

"That was weird. Midoriya doesn't normally approach people" Yui said.

"And how do you know that?"

"I'm just very observant"
Izuku went back to his table before the bell rang, with a groan the students sauntered back to class.
"Finally the day's over!" Mina cried in joy as the final bell rang.

The students filed out of the classroom to the newly reconstructed dorms.

"Midoriya-senpai!" a group of first years called running up to them. They all took a few seconds to recover their breath.

"Sorry for holding you up! T-t-these are for you!" one said offering him a wrapped box.

The others followed suit and ran off giggling, leaving our green haired protagonist with a handful of boxes.

"It's not even Christmas yet" he said with an amused voice.

"Can you blame them? You've become quite the eye candy these days" Kaminari said jealously, cursing the gods.

"Could you help me out with some of these?"

"No way!"

"I'll let you have some of them"


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