Chapter 11

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It was a snowy morning as Izuku woke up to see that his window was coated in a thin layer of frost, and snow petals fell ever so slowly. It was a thing to admire, they were so delicate, so beautiful, so graceful as they dropped like angels from heaven.
With a yawn he stretched and sat up. He was feeling extra lazy today, but he had something to take care of.

He promised Itoshi that he'd take him to see All Might. He wondered for a moment how the boy could be so enamored with the retired hero, All Might was definitely the biggest name out there, even now, but most people had moved on from the Symbol of Peace, some kids probably didn't even know what he had done for them.

Groaning he got out of his bed and went downstairs to make a cup of hot chocolate. His mom was probably still asleep, so it was just him up and about.

"Ahh" he sighed as he sipped the hot beverage.

It was uncharacteristically quiet outside, normally he'd be hearing some people going about their daily routines.

"Guess everyone just wants a break"

Bzzt! Bzzt!
He pulled out his phone from his pocket and swiped at the number.


- Oh Midoriya, glad I could reach you. This is Riko, Itsuka's mother. I wanted to make sure you remembered your agreement with Itoshi, he's been um ... lively to say the least.

"Oh yes, I'll be there soon. Guess he's excited" Izuku said with a chuckle.

- That would be an understatement. It's like he's having a sugar rush, but it's been a while since I've seen him like this, and it's all thanks to you

"It's okay. I guess I better get ready"

- Okay then, I'll see you later


Izuku had a small laugh to himself, wondering who was more of a fanboy, unless the kid had a shrine called a room then he was winning this round.
He left a note for his mom, telling her that he was going to be out for a while.

"Thanks for bringing me along" Itoshi said with a smile. The boy was on cloud nine, as he got to meet the hero in person. All Might even entered his buff form for him, which was even more awesome up close.

"It's no problem Itoshi" Izuku replied.

"So what do we do now?" Itsuka asked.

"Can we go to the arcade?" Itoshi asked.

"That's actually a great idea. We haven't had our rematch" Izuku said turning to his girlfriend.

They headed towards the arcade, but something felt off. Izuku could feel something, he wasn't sure what it was but danger sense was active.

A random hero suddenly flew past them and crashed into a nearby car. Police cars flooded the area, shortly followed by press.

Izuku looked around and his eyes widened as he looked dead in the eyes of a Nomu.

"Itsuka, take Itoshi and get out of here" he said in a serious tone.

"But what about you?"

"Please just go, I don't want Itoshi in harm's way"

Itsuka grabbed her brother and began to leave the area. The Nomu launched itself at them but Izuku blocked it.

If there were still Nomu then it meant that All for One was still alive, but how? He was very sure All for One died in their last fight.
The Nomu tried to punch Izuku, but he ducked and kicked it into the sky, then using blackwhip he slammed it back down into the ground. The body of the Nomu disintegrated slowly, and the police quickly took care of it.
A police officer ran towards Izuku.

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