Chapter 14

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It was a cold morning, as Izuku lay in bed. He sighed as he looked outside, remembering the events that happened not long ago. He had passed out due to blood loss, and was out for two weeks - not that he'd know that.

The door creaked open and the nurse made a small sound of surprise.
She quickly went back out and returned with the doctor shortly after.

"Midoriya. I'm glad you're finally up"

"How ... long was I out?"

"About two weeks. You lost alot of blood" the doctor responded.
Izuku looked down at his hands, they looked pale.

Regardless he felt a little surge of power running through him, he could tell it wasn't One for All, so what could it be?
After a brief checkup the doctor left him in the room alone.
He was alone for a few hours until All Might and Katsuki walked in.

"Hey guys"

"It's good to see you're fine Young Midoriya" All Might said with a smile.

"Yeah, your mom was worried sick about you" Katsuki added.
They both sat down, and All Might spoke up.

"I would like to thank you, young Midoriya, for making such a hard choice. It was something that hung around me all through my time as a hero, but I refused to do anything about it. It was cowardly of me, to keep on thinking that All for One would give up one day.

Quite frankly all the users of One for All in fact, none of us could steel our resolve to take a life, and it grew into a problem that plagued the world for over 100 years. So thank you, for doing what had to be done"

Izuku was a bit surprised, but smiled regardless.

"I admit, it was hard. It still is. I don't think I'll ever be able to get over taking a life, but it had to be done. Now the world is rid of All for One, for good"

He thought back to the words the villain said in his final moments.
"I never had any fancy goals or elaborate plans, I just wanted to be on top. I followed through with the story of the demon lord and the hero that defeated him. I may be gone, but my will now rests in you, Izuku. There will always be evil, as long as good remains"

He shuddered as he felt the slight twitches in his body. Katsuki saw this very slight reaction, and voiced out his curiosity.

"What's with the twitching?"
Izuku paused, not knowing how exactly to tell them.

"I ... Something happened when I fought with All for One"

This got their attention immediately.

"What happened?"

"I ... may ... I think I have his quirk" Izuku suddenly said.

"A-are you sure about this?" All Might asked worriedly. If this was true then there would be problems. How would others take this?

"I wasn't until I could do this" Izuku responded as his fingers turned into black spikes that stretched and stabbed into the ceiling.

"That's ... How?"

"I don't know. He was saying something about evil always being there, but my mind was fuzzy at the time. I can't fully recall"

All Might sighed. This was a problem. Hero or not Izuku now had the most evil quirk in the entire world, and not everyone would take lightly to that.

The doors then slid open, as Inko, Mitsuki and Masaru entered.

"Izuku, you're awake" they said in unison. However they could feel the intensity in the room. Izuku glanced at All Might who nodded.

"There's something I'd like you all to know"

A few days had passed and Izuku was discharged from the hospital. He was pretty excited to start his new school year. He was already a few weeks behind schedule, so he had a lot to cover for. The All for One situation still worried him, and he was very careful to keep the power under control. There was another issue that was looming ahead, although it wasn't so gloomy.

As a third year, and a semi working pro, he was about to get alot busier than he'd ever been.
The dream he so wanted to accomplish was now in his face, he was now a hero.
UA had changed a bit from his perspective, but not by much. It seemed the security had been beefed up considerably.
Students greeted him on his way to class, and the teachers have him reassuring nods.

They had been briefed on his situation, and as crazy and dangerous as it sounded, they'd rather the power be in the hands of someone they could trust.

"MIDORIYA!" the class exclaimed as the green haired boy walked in.

"Good to have you back Midoriya" Aizawa said with a small smile.

"Good to be back, again"

He took his seat, and the class continued, though he was a bit occupied up in his head.
Time passed rather quickly, and the lunch bell rang him out of his thoughts.

"I'll see you guys in a bit" he said as he headed towards a certain direction.
He stopped at the door of class 3B, and leaned against the wall just as the students were coming out.

"Hey Midoriya! Good to see you again man!" Tetsutetsu said as they fist bumped.

"Yeah, same here man"

"Izuku?" a familiar voice called in surprise.

"Hey Itsuka" he said facing the orange haired girl.

She jumped on him hugging him tightly.
"I had no idea you were awake" she said with a slightly teary voice.

"I wanted it to be a surprise, now that doesn't seem like a good idea anymore" Izuku said chuckling.
Itsuka lightly punched him on the chest.

"Yeah. Making your girlfriend cry is mean. You're gonna make it up to me" she responded with a pout.

Izuku's stomach growled, making him laugh sheepishly.

"Let's go get food" his girlfriend said taking his arm and leading him to the cafeteria.

"Hey where's Midoriya?"

Kirishima asked looking around.
From the corner of his eye Shoto saw made out two figures, with unmistakable hair. He smiled a bit.

"No idea"

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