Chapter 8

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Christmas. The great white holiday. A time for joy and love, for families and friends to come together, but currently our protagonist wasn't having the best time.


"Ugh" he groaned. Izuku had been down with a cold, something that had become a very frequent occurrence through his life. Every year, just before Christmas, he would always go down with a cold, why? he didn't know, but it was annoying as hell. However due to the efforts of his classmates, and his girlfriend he was getting much better.

At least he'd get to go home, the school was closing for the year, and he was actually looking forward to seeing his mom. It was after the war that he understood the importance of having someone who cared for you, and began to amend his relationship with his mother. It wasn't the best, but at least they were back on track. They had two days to go in school, but he was told to stay indoors to avoid worsening his condition, which was a bit of a bummer, but oh well.

"I wonder how Midoriya's doing" Jirou spoke up, the boy hadn't been seen all day.

"Yeah, too bad he's sick. He missed Todoroki's frozen moment" Mina said giggling.

"I did it because Momo asked me to!" the boy growled.

"Just let it go dude, it was kinda funny. I even got a video" Bakugo said smirking.

"If anyone sees that you're dead"

"We'll see icyhot"

"You two stop acting like children" Momo cut in, breaking up their little bicker.

"We should start getting our things packed. Some of us will be leaving tomorrow" Iida said.

"Oh yeah, you did say you were going to visit your grandma"

"Yes I am. It has been a while, and next year is going to be more hectic seeing as we'll be third years" the boy said pushing up his glasses.

Back upstairs Izuku was getting his own stuff ready, this holiday was going to be something else entirely. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he'd be introducing a girl to his mother, or seeing said girls parents. It was nerve wrecking, especially as Itsuka warned him about her parents.

What if they didn't like him? That was his biggest fear. What then?
"Bye guys! We'll see you next year!" Mina yelled waving back at her classmates, as she and Toru made their way towards their train home.

"I should get going too. Goodbye my friends, I hope you all have a splendid holiday" Iida said and left them.

"Feels weird" Shoto said standing next to Izuku.

"I get what you mean. Plus I'm meeting a girls parents ... yay" Izuku said deflating.

"I'm in the same boat, got any pointers. I'm new to this stuff"

"You're asking me like I've done this before, just try not to die" Izuku said with a shudder.

"I'll do my best. Anyways I'll see you another day" the ice user said and said goodbye to his classmates.

Now he had to wait on Bakugo, who had escorted Ochako to her train.

"Who knew Kaachan could be a caring boyfriend" he thought with a snicker.

"You better not be thinking something silly" said boys voice cut in.

"Wouldn't dream of it" Izuku said innocently.

They both got on the train and sat there. It wasn't an awkward silence, just peaceful. Even after the war they both still lived in the same area, well at least both their moms were friends so they wanted to remain in close quarters.

"Hey so, I don't know if you've done it this, but I'm meeting Itsuka's parents soon. Got any tips I could use?" Izuku asked, a bit skeptical that Bakugo would actually answer.

The boy growled a bit, but surprisingly replied.
"First off, don't lie, the last thing you want is for them to find out you did. And honestly as cliché as it sounds, don't change anything about yourself. You're already a great person as is, so don't sell yourself short and try to be what you aren't. It's obvious you and Kendo have a thing for each other, and your sincerity should be enough to convince them"

Izuku looked shocked. Did Bakugo just compliment him?

"You asked me for an answer and I gave you one. Don't make this weird" Bakugo said looking away.

"It's already weird, I mean you just complimented me, plus I didn't actually think you'd answer"

"Tch. I'm not heartless"

"Sure you aren't" Izuku said chuckling much to the blondes annoyance.

"Oh and ... mom, wants you to come over sometime" he grunted.

Izuku smiled. He had always been fond of Bakugo's parents, even when he and said boy were at odds. Apart from his mom, they were the only people that treated him normally, and he was always grateful for that. Izuku then noticed that Bakugo looked a bit distraught.

"Are you worried about something?"

Bakugo growled, but couldn't deny. In truth he felt alot of emotions right now. Regret, fear, guilt.

"You ... It's been years since you last came over" he said in a low voice.

Izuku got what he was saying. Bakugo was feeling guilty. He had long since forgiven him, but Bakugo was yet to forgive himself.

"You don't have to feel guilty Kaachan. It's all in the past, we were kids"

"If only it were that simple. I can't forgive myself for what I've done to you, maybe it's a fitting punishment, that I carry this guilt forever" Bakugo thought to himself.

"Yeah ... It just gets to me sometimes"
Izuku felt bad, he knew that Bakugo never really moved on, and he tried to make it clear that he had nothing against him, but again it was all on him. They got to their stop, and got off the train in relative silence. It wasn't a long walk before they got to Bakugo's place.

"Bye Izuku" he said waving

"Yeah, bye Kaachan"
It had been a few days since Izuku got back home, and it was nice. He and his mom had alot of catching up to do, and it felt great. They would joke around, talk about different things, and Izuku would go on his rants about what happened at school. This was what he truly wanted, to be able to say and do these kinds of things with his mom, the he suddenly remembered something. Something he hadn't told his mother yet, how could he have forgotten the biggest news of the year?

"Hey mom, I have something to tell you"

"What is it Izuku?"

"I ... I have a girlfriend"

Inko was dead silent, and for a moment Izuku actually thought she didn't hear him, until ...


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