Chapter 5

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The very next day Izuku was in much brighter spirits, his day with Kendo was alot of fun, well except that unpleasant reunion with her former classmate. And best, she called him by his first name. Not even Momo or Ochako had done that yet. He got out of the shower towelling his hair, and making a mental note to cutting it later.

It was getting a bit too long for his liking. School was already about to start, so breakfast wasn't an option at the moment. He just grabbed a juice box and headed out with his classmates. They ran into class B, but Kendo wasn't there, Yui said something about she being a late riser. That day in of itself was nothing to write about, from the first period down till lunch break.

He smiled thinking of how underwhelmed the first years would've been, thinking UA was always jam packed with hero stuff to do.

"You seem even happier today for some reason"

"Would you prefer if I woke up with a scowl?" he asked back.

Momo sat across from him and laughed. His reactions to some things were always funny.

"Well now that you're here. Let's talk about your little mission, so have you made any progress?"

Momo's previous smugness began to dwindle, and she looked away playing with her hair.

"Seriously? You have to put the effort to get him to notice you. Shoto can be really dense, and will overlook signs even when they're in front of him"

"I know ... it's just that I don't know if he likes me back. So I freeze up whenever I get the chance" she said sighing.

"And you think I don't? I'm probably even worse confidence wise - plus yours is way easier" he muttered the last part to himself.

"Now that I think of it, you weren't around yesterday, where'd you go?"

"That's a secret"

"Ugh, not even a clue?"

Izuku chuckled at her reaction, and shifted the topic away from himself.

"But seriously Momo, if you want this go for it, and I'll let you in on a little secret. Shoto is actually thinking of dating as of now"

Her eyes lit up immediately.

"You didn't hear it from me"

She made a zipping sign across her lips. Izuku thought how lucky these two must be, to have everything fall into place so effortlessly, alas life wasn't so kind to him.

"Hey guys" another voice greeted.

"Hey Ochako" they both greeted back.

Ochako had taken some time off school, for some family related matter, but they weren't going to intrude on that.

"So what are you two up to?"

"Just idle chatter" Momo lied.

"By idle chatter you mean Deku's helping you get closer to Todoroki?"

They both choked on seemingly nothing and Ochako had a small laugh.

"H-h-how did you find out?" Momo asked in a harsh whisper.

"It's pretty obvious, and I've heard Katsuki saying something along those lines a while back"

"I still can't get over the fact that you call Kaachan by his first name, given his explosive tendencies" Izuku said with an amused voice.

"Yeah, you seem to have tamed him somehow" Momo added.

"He's just a big softie who doesn't know how to express himself"

A low growl came from behind them, and said boy was looking like he was about to blow a gasket.

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