Chapter 12

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It had been about 2 weeks since Izuku and Itsuka broke up, and on both ends they weren't doing well. It was a new year, but it didn't feel like it. Itsuka had shut herself in her room most of the time, deeply regretting her actions. Izuku just wanted to keep them safe, yet she completely blew off on him.
Remembering the look he had as he left brought tears to her eyes.

Her parents tried their best to comfort her, but there was only so much they could do.
Itoshi couldn't really believe anything that was going on, he didn't want to. Izuku was the closest thing he had to an older brother, and he wasn't going to just let him go like that.

All parties knew that Izuku made the most sensible choice, but it just felt wrong.
Izuku on the other hand dedicated his time to training, and training and even more training. That was his only way of coping, and there was the looming threat of All for One.
The villain just wouldn't give up. What did he want?

Izuku had made up his mind. If he was going to go to the depths of hell to put away All for One, he'd do it without hesitation.
A brief flash of anger filled him as he kicked the dummy even harder than he normally did ripping it in two.

"Haven't you had enough?" a voice called out to him.

He turned to see All Might and Katsuki walking into the training room.

"I have to be ready for All for One" he stated.

"You've already gotten One for All down packed. What's making you all intense?"

Katsuki knew about the break-up, but he didn't think that warranted Izuku to go berserk in training.

"This matter between All for One. It's personal, and I'm tired of this stupid cycle of beating him only for him to come back again. It's time to put an end to All for One. Permanently" Izuku said with venom in his voice. Both winced at his tone.

"Don't give in to your anger Young Midoriya. I know it's hard, but you don't have to stoop to his level" All Might said.

"That's exactly why he's still out there All Might. The fact that no one has had the guts to do the needful, I used to think that a hero could save everyone, could come out of any situation, but my eyes have been opened. It's all a lie, sometimes the best way to save someone is to put them down. All for One is beyond redemption, and even if we do beat him and lock him up, what makes you think he won't break out again and the cycle continues? I know I sound crazy right now, but something has to be done, and I've made up my mind. He's messed with my life one too many times" Izuku said with determination.

All Might sighed.

"I can't talk you out of this?"

"Honestly All Might, I agree with him. This cycle has to end, and All for One has to be stopped, once and for all" Katsuki said.

"Very well. If that's what you see as the solution, then you can go ahead, but how do you plan on doing this?"

"I'll call him out. One last fight" Izuku said.

"You know he's a snake right?"

"He's also egotistical. He'd want to beat me himself and take One for All"
All Might sighed again, then he pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello? Yes this is All Might. I have something to discuss with you"

Itsuka sniffled as she was currently pummeling her training dummy. The sadness, anger, guilt poured through each one of her attacks. She didn't stop. She just went on and on, until her mother had to stop her.

"That's enough Itsuka. Stop punishing yourself"

"I'm fine mom" she replied sitting down.

Riko sat next to her waiting for her to speak.
"Do you think Izuku could forgive me? I sort of snapped at him, but I didn't mean to ... I just ..."

She couldn't form any words as it could only be expressed through tears. Riko slid a hand around her pulling her into a hug.

"I'm sure he has nothing against you. I've not known him for that long, but he's not that type of person. And he cares dearly about you. That's why he decided on what he did"

Itsuka looked at her mother a bit confused.

"You knew?"

"He told us everything, and why he did what he did. I know he really cares about you, that's why he's letting you go"

"I was such a jerk about it. I didn't wait for him to explain"

"I'm sure you'll get your chance to smooth things over. Just don't let it get you so down" Riko said wiping her daughters face.

Her phone chimed gaining their attention, she opened it and her eyes widened.

"Izuku sent a message" she said surprised.

"Open it. It's probably important"

She opened the message, and read it.

- Hey Itsuka, first off I'd like to apologize for my actions. I know you're hurting and it's my fault, but there are some things that are out of my control. I've decided to confront All for One head on, I think it's better that way. I don't want anyone else to get hurt on my behalf.
I don't know how it'll turn out, but All for One has tormented everyone for far too long, I'll do my best and win, and if I don't come back, just know that I love you, and I always will. Later -
Itsuka gasped.

"What's he thinking? Why does he have to be so selfless all the time?!"

Riko held her daughter calming her down.
"Itsuka calm down. He's going to be fine, and he'll come back"

"What if it's a trap? What if he doesn't come back?"

"He will. He's got the best reason to. Just have a little faith"

"This is it" Izuku said adjusting his hero gear with a somber look. He had gotten a location from All for One, and true to their suspicions he was asked to go alone.

"There's no turning back now Young Midoriya. Good luck" All Might said.

"You better not die, or there'll be hell to pay" Katsuki said in a serious, but worried voice.

"I'll do my best" he said as he jumped off.

"Do you think we made the right choice?" Katsuki asked.

"Time will tell"

Just then the other students from their class arrived.

"I heard the news. Please tell me it isn't true" Shoto said with worry.

"It is. He didn't want anyone getting involved, but we're all his friends, the least we could do is believe he'll win" Katsuki said with determination.

All Might looked up to the sky, praying for Izuku's victory.

"Win this Young Midoriya"

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