Chapter 4

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"This got out of hand pretty quickly" Izuku said with a small growl.

He and Kendo's usually quiet training session had been found out by the first years, and although they didn't blab it to the entire school, it was still uncomfortable doing stuff in front of others.

Kendo was in the same boat when it came to how it felt. These first years were relentless, but unfortunately that was the situation in which they found themselves.

"Couldn't agree more" she said sighing.

"I'll be right back" he said as he went towards the group of students.

"Hey Midoriya-senpai, who's that?"

"Yeah, she's so pretty!"

"Is she your classmate?"

"Your girlfriend?"

Izuku cringed at the wave of questions that were hurled at him from the get go.

"Woah woah calm down. Don't go spreading rumors that aren't true" he said trying to defuse the situation.

Kendo was trying not to listen in on the conversation, keyword being trying, but she was a bit curious as to what Izuku actually thought of her. I mean he asked her on a ... date, so he had to have something in mind right?

However he may also have just wanted to be better friends, knowing him it probably was something along those lines, plus she didn't feel like she was his type when it came to girls, may just be her insecurities kicking in but she couldn't help it.
Eventually he came back looking even more tired than he did after training.

"Sorry about that. They can get pretty rowdy. Makes me wonder if we were that bad in our first year"

"Who knows? With what we went through we may have been worse, especially your class" Kendo said chuckling. Izuku had a small laugh, thinking about their absolute madhouse of a first year.

"So umm ... about our little arrangement. Where would you like to go?" he suddenly asked.
Kendo blinked, then the question settled in making her recoil in surprise.

"Sorry for startling you, I just wanted to ask you"

"Well ... why don't we just find out ourselves?"

Izuku thought about it and actually, it was a good idea. At least better than some pre-planned dinner that would be extremely awkward.

"That's a better idea now that I think of it"
Kendo stretched and got up slinging her bag over her shoulders.

"Let's head back"

Two hours later

"Calm yourself down Izuku. Breathe" Izuku thought trying to calm his nerves down. He had never been on an actual date before, at least one that wasn't when Momo dragged him off on one of her insane shopping sprees, and he had to be the one to carry her stuff.

On the outside you'd think there was some underlying romance between them, but that couldn't be further from the truth. It was weird to him, they weren't exactly best friends in their first year, but over time he came to see her as one of his closest friends. Funny how life worked.
Hopefully Shoto would take the mantle from him, being Momo's shopping assistant.

"Hello? Earth to Midoriya"
Kendo waved in front of his face pulling him back into reality.

"Oh! Sorry! I got lost in thought" he said embarrassed.

"No biggie, plus I got to see one of Midoriya's famous muttering sprees"

Izuku deadpanned at her jab making her laugh more. His reactions were always funny to her.

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