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Later in the evening in their room

-What would you do if no laws existed? Freddie asked while playing with my hair.

-It's a hard question, I don't know. I think I'd- nevermind

-Darling please tell, Freddie insisted

-I'd get married, but not to a woman, I'd marry a man. I'd marry you. I'd be your husband. God that sounds ridiculous.

-No it doesn't, I'd love to marry you. God being your husband would be awesome.

Then I had an idea.
Even if we can't marry legally the gesture and everything else is the most important for me and hopefully for Freddie too. I don't need a simple paper to be married to somebody.
Maybe I can get a ring for Freddie and give it to him as a birthday present. I only need to find out his ring size.
Peter will surely help me.
And we could have a garden wedding at Garden Lodge with our families and close friends.

-Penny for your thoughts? Freddie asked snapping me out of my wedding plans.

-Just thinking about my job, I answered.

-God you're always thinking about work, can you just relax for two weeks?

-Freddie, you know my job is important to me.

-But you work far too much for your bad wage.

It's true that I don't earn much from my job at the Savoy.

-You could just quit your job. I have enough money for both of us, Freddie proposed.

-But I don't want to live out of your pocket

-Ughh, are all Irish as stubborn as you?

-I think so, yes, I laughed

-But I still love you despite your stubbornness

-Don't act like you are not as stubborn as me sweetheart, I winked at him.

-Guitly as charged, my boyfriend grinned at me, showing his teeth before hiding them behind his hand.

I smiled back at him but as he hid his teeth I let out a sigh. Freddie just looked confused at me.

-Why would you hide your teeth Freddie?

He bit his lip and ignored my question, so I cupped his cheek gently to encourage him.

-It's because they are so ugly, they make me look ugly if I show them. I want to get them fixed but I'm scared I'll loose my voice range, my boyfriend admitted.

-Sweets, they don't make you look ugly, I stroked his cheeks with my thumbs, they are beautiful. I love them because they are a part of you.

-Do you mean it?

Freddie looked at me with a sad expression. He looked really insecure. I really hate seeing him like that.

-Every word, why would you doubt it? I empathized my point with a caring look.

-Back in boarding school they said very mean things to me because of my teeth. That's where my habit of covering them comes from.

-As I just said they're beautiful and I'd be extremely happy to see them more often.

-So you don't want me to get them fixed?

-No, because then you're smile wouldn't be as pretty as it is now. But if you really want to, I'll support you. I'll always support you sweetheart.

-I love you Jim, so much. I am so lucky to have you as my boyfriend. I couldn't imagine my life without you.

-Me too Freddie, I'm glad to have you by my side.

Back at Garden Lodge

-I think in gonna take a bath, I really missed taking them at your parents. Wanna join me beauty?

-Sure, I love bathing with you, you know that. Go upstairs, I'll join you later but now I need to talk to Phoebe, I said

-Alright but hurry up

Phoebe was sitting at the kitchen table with the news paper in his hands.

-Jim, what's up?

-Oh yes, I just need your help with something.

-Is it about Freddie? Is everything alright between you two?

-Oh yes we're really happy, I smiled

-That's good, so what's the matter Jim?

-Well, I have an birthday present for Freddie in planning. I know it's pretty soon but I'd like to buy him an engagement ring.
I know we can't marry legally but I was thinking about a small garden wedding, maybe here at Garden Lodge with close friends and our families.

-Wow, I'm sure he will be over the moon when you tell him. But how can I help you with that, I mean sure I'll help preparing the party if that's what you need my help for.

-Thank you for that Phoebe, but I need you to find out Freddie's ring size.

-If that's all, I'll help you, of course. Now join Freddie in the bath, he doesn't like waiting, Phoebe chuckled.

In the bathroom
(Freddie's POV)

-Hey Jim, you took your time

-Sorry, but it was important, he apologized.

-I hope so, I teased

When my boyfriend was undressed, I moved forward in the tub so he had enough space to sit down beind me. I leaned back so I was sitting between his thighs, my back against his chest.
I grabbed both of his thighs with my hands, squeezing them playfully. My head was resting on his collarbone so I felt the vibrations as he laughed at my absurd squeeze of his thighs.

-Did I ever tell you how much I love your thighs? I asked, knowing the answer.

-Yea, you tell me every night when we are cuddling, he giggled.

-They make you look very sexy, you know. I sensually stoked my palms over his tighs.

After a hour or so we got out and put on a new pair of boxers. We went to lay in our bed with Jim resting his head on my chest. I could see that this wasn't really comfortable for him so I invited Jim to lay down on my belly.

-You sure I won't crush you Freddie?

-Mhm, I nodded. You're not heavy Jim, I reassured him, he was always so hesitant when he wanted to lie on top of me as not to hurt me - very cute.

So he got up and repositioned himself between my legs with his head resting on my sternum. I put my hand on his head, massaging his scalp. I can feel my boyfriend relaxing into my touch, he let's out a happy sigh.

-Would you like to meet my parents, I asked him since I already met his.

-You want to introduce me to them? He asked surprised

-Yea since you already introduced me to your family, but only if you want to, I won't push you into anything.

-I wouldn't mind, so you want them to know that you're gay?

-Umm, im not a 100% sure but I think it's better if the know so I can be myself around them. Plus they won't be asking if I finally met a girl.

-You don't neet to tell them if you decide against it we can act like friends.

-I'll think about it.

-Goodnight Freddie

-Goodnight darling, I love you so much

-I love you too

I kissed his temple and he turned his head up so we could share a tender kiss. After we both pulled away from the kiss I pulled the duvet over our bodies. Soon I could feel his breathing slow down and small snores filling the quiet room.

My Darling (a Jimercury story) Where stories live. Discover now