Chapter 8

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*Drawing base used for the picture above*

•No POV•

Panther just laughed. "You really saw a windigo? You sure it wasn't just a wolf or something?"

"Y€-€s. I'm $vre." Error said as they started glitching out a bit. Nightmare then came into the conversation. "Panther, can you just leave them alone for just one day?"

"I could. But I won't."

Violet then came in through the door. "Alright Error, I got an outfit I thought you'd like." She said as she set it down on the table.


•Papercrane's POV•

I walked around the forest, holding my stag skull, with Thara beside me. "May I ask what you were running from?" Thara asked as she looked at me. I looked off to the side. "I... I accidentally ran into Error."

Thara let out a slight laugh. "Error wouldn't hurt you. She'd just run right back to Nightmare. You know that." I only stayed silent and avoided eye contact with her. "It's not nice to ignore people either."

"N-No. No. I'm not ignoring you. It's... It's just weird seeing you like this. I hardly see you in this form so... it's weird seeing you like that sometimes."

"I hardly see you as a windego. It isn't weird for me to see you as one."

I, again, only stayed silent. A thought then came to mind. "Ink still keeping that secret from Cross?" She nodded. "Yeah. I've been trying to convince them to tell Cross. Saying that I'll be there to prevent any arguments or whatever happens. But, Ink just won't do it." Thara then looked over at me. "Have you and Velvet found Kin yet?"

I shook my head. "Sadly no. I just hope she's okay."

•Cross's POV•

I was laying on the floor of this white void I was stuck in. I've been here for Fate knows how long. There wasn't really any way of telling time here. The glitch then came up to me. "Great. That thing's here again." I heard Chara say as she floated in the air. "What is it?" I asked as I looked over at Error. "Nøt-th!ng. Jv-v$t n-n¤rm@-@||¥ $-$0m€-○-○n€ ₩ø-øv|đ 0-0f tv-vr-n€-€đ !ntø @‐@ g|!-!tc-h b¥ n¤-¤₩."

"To what?"

"@ g|!-|!tch. Ł!k€ !-! @-@m. Vn|€-€$-$, ¥0-0v'r-r€ @|r€-€-@d¥ ø-øn€."

"I'm sure I'm not a glitch."

"¥-¥0v'r€ $@-@¥!n-!ng th@t b€c@-v-@v$€ ¥¤-¤v døn't |○-0-0k |!k€ m‐€‐ m€. Nøt @-@|| g‐|!tc‐h€$ |¤0k th€-€ $-$@-$@m€."

"Then explain to me what being a glitch means."

"₩€|-|, m€ @$‐$ @ €x@m₽-|€-₽|€, !'m đ€-@đ ¥-¥€t @|!-!v€-€ @t th€ $-$@-@m€ t!-!m€. Th€-r€'$ @-@n €n€-€m¥ 0-0f m!-!n€ ₩hø'$-$ @-@|!-|!v€-€, bv-vt t-h€-€¥ đ○-○n't h@-@v€ @ $-$0-0v|. @ gl!-!tc-ch c@n @|-$-$○ b€ $øm€-0-0n€ h0₩-₩ đø-€$n't h@-@v€ @ @-@V. 0-0r p€-€rh@₽-$ th€¥ đø-ø h@v-v€-€ 0-0n€, bvt !-!t ₩@-@$n't f!n!$-$h€d. ¥€-€t th€¥ r-r0-r0@m fr€-€ @cr-0$-$ th€-€ mv|-|t!v€r-r$€."

I was shocked after what they said. "What do you mean you're dead and alive?" Error let out a sigh. "Ł0-0ng $t-tør¥-¥ $-$h○-○rt, ! ₩@$-$ bv-vrn€-€đ @|!-!v-€€. ! đ0-0n't ₩-₩@-@nt t○ g€-€t !n-t0 đ€t@-!|-@!| @bø-øvt !t."

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