Chapter 9

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•??? POV•

I hid behind a tree, as I watched as the harpy and the girl, who seemed rather cute, not gonna lie, sat down by the edge of the forest. My ravens soon took notice of the two and stared at them as they flew over to branches closer to the forest edge.

One of my ravens got a little too close as the girl soon took notice of it. As she looked over at my raven, she soon noticed me. We continued staring at one another for a few seconds, that was until the harpy turned its head directly at me, its eyes became black and white.

Shit. I turned and walked behind some trees to avoid the harpy. I hate that damn, soulless thing so much. As I started to leave, I felt a wave of guilt was over me for leaving the girl with the harpy. I let out a sigh as I walked back, this time staying hidden, as I kept an eye on the two.

That thing already manipulated and used me. I'm not letting it do the same to her. That was until someone suddenly whispered behind me, "You're not letting you kill Ink, if that's what you're here for."

I looked behind me to see a short person with a white fox mask on the side of their face, and a thin scar going across their face, making them blind in one eye. The eye that wasn't blind was a light yellow and they had short white hair that had rainbow strands in it. Around their neck they had a red scarf and wore a black coat, that had blue and yellow flower patterns at the bottom, with a white shirt under it. They also wore black shorts and white boots, with the same pattern as their coat.

I let out an irritated sigh, as a few of my ravens caw at the person a little. "That's not what I'm here for Gin." I hated this god, despite being the one of creation, as much as I hated its harpy girlfriend.

"Well then, that's the first. Why are you here then E-"

"I already said to not call me that."

Gin was silent for a moment. "Fine. Why are you here then 'Death Bird'?"

I hate that nickname. I only ignored Gin.

"Ignoring me I see? Well then, I might as well just call you by your real name."

I stared at Gin. Before I could answer, I heard someone fall. I look back at Gin's harpy and the girl, only to see the girl in her hands and knees as she has, what looks like a thick needle, stabbed through her side.

Damn it!

I stood up to go help the girl, only to be grabbed and pinned to a tree by Gin. "I don't think so. That Sans should be dead anyways."

I spread my wings, that I hide under my cloak, to try and get Gin to let go of me. It works, as she then tries to get a hold of me again. This time a few of my ravens are doing their best to distract Gin.

I started running towards the girl and saw she was unconscious along with the god of destruction, Error, throwing the harpy around with her strings.

I ran over to the girl who remained unconscious on the ground. After taking a few steps out of the forest, an arrow shot past me. Barely missing my face. I looked behind me to see Gin holding a bow, with black at the ends along with rainbow markings, and arrow, and was ready to shoot another at me.

I quickly avoided it, before tripping over my cloak. I then heard the harpy shout, "YOU?!" I quickly picked up the girl before spreading my wings, and flying off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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