You suck 😐 (NorthChi Family)

401 6 4

The age of the kids:

Chinea(the oldest): 10

Chorea(the youngest): 5


Chorea ran around the house, giggling until he spotted his older sister: Chinea. She was the worst, always bossing him around and stuff. Which is why he hated her. She was currently sitting on the table in her and Chorea's study room, she was basically the only one of the two who went in there. She was probably studying for her science test, Blegh.

She finally seemed to notice him, looking up from her paper and staring at him with the red eyes she inherited from their dad, North Korea. "你想要什么?(What do you want?)" She asked, sounding annoyed. "没有什么.(Nothing.)" he then walked and sat next to her, grabbing a paper to draw, he didn't exactly know what he was going to draw, but not that it mattered.

Their mother, China, then walked in the room, he smiled, sitting beside Chinea. "你们两个在做什么?(What are you two doing?)" he looked at Chinea's study paper then at Chorea's blank paper. "我正在学习,但我不知道 Chorea 在做什么. (I'm studying, though I have no idea what Chorea's doing.)" Chinea glanced at her brother before looking back down at her paper, China patted her head before standing up and heading back towards the door. "我要去上班, 我不在的时候你爸爸会照顾你, 好吗?(I'm going to work, your father will take care of you while I'm away, okay?)" Chinea nodded, and Chorea just pouted.

Their father then entered the room, bringing China closer by the waist, giving him a peck on the lips. "Be back soon, okay?" China smiled at North Korea, "I will, don't worry." Chinea and Chorea never learned English, so their parents took advantage of this by speaking English when they didn't want their children to hear something or just to toy with them a little, then China left for work, leaving Chinea and Chorea with their father.

Let's just say it was a very chaotic night. 


End of oneshot

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