Avoided🥷(RusAme family + Chinea)TW⚠️: Attempted kidnapping

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Ages of the kids:

Amesia & Rusca: 10

Chinea: 11


Rusca was with his twin sister and her best friend in the toy aisle, he was looking at a toy his sister was showing him, but then he noticed a man with a black hoodie and a mask. He noticed Chinea looking over at the man, showing him that she had noticed him too.

"Let's go check out the toys in the next aisle." He said, causing the two girls to look at him. "Oh, okay!" Amesia said, walking a little ahead as Chinea and Rusca followed behind her. 

After a bit of looking at the toys in the next aisle, Chinea tugged on Amesia and Rusca's sleeves, then whispered softly. "There's a man following us." Rusca began to panic a little but his sister shushed him.

Amesia the silently grabbed her brother's hand and signaling for Chinea to follow and keep close, then began to walk them around the aisles in circles, with one of them occasionally glancing back to see if the man was following them.

The worst part was that each time they turned, he was always still there. Rusca then turned to his sister and whispered. "Where are we going?" Amesia glanced at him, she looked calm but Rusca could see the slight panic in his sister's eyes. "We're going to find dad." 

Then after a few more seconds, Chinea looked back to see if the man was still following them, unfortunately he was, the she felt a rough tug on her wrist and looked back at Amesia and Rusca quickly rushing towards their father, so she quickly followed suit.

Russia was startled a bit when he felt his kids grab his legs, Rusca hugged him tightly with Chinea standing beside him, and his daughter Amesia hiding behind his legs slightly, looking at something in the distance, it was only when she noticed the man leave that she allowed herself to begin to cry.

Russia panicked slightly, then crouched down to Amesia's level. "What's wrong?" Amesia looked at her dad with teary eyes. "There was a man following us отец!" His eyes widened.

Chinea then nodded once Russia looked at her for confirmation. "But you handled it well Amesia, unlike me and Rusca you didn't panic at all, at least not in a visible manner I think..."

Rusca just silently stood there, looking a bit scared, but he felt safer now that his dad was here. So Russia just grabbed his two kids and Chinea, and drove back over to their house, and asked China to come pick his kid up while the kids watched TV in the living room.


End of oneshot

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