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Requested by: GoofyLilSpeakerMan

I know you wanted a medieval AU, just so you know it will probably suck-

Female China x Male North Korea


North Korea sighed as he read the letter invitation he had been sent by the king, a ball was coming up and all the nobles and palace staff were invited. His sister had gotten a letter as well, he wondered who else had gotten an invitation. He decided he would go, after all, it might be fun.

A few days later

North Korea walked into the ball room with his sister, already regretting his decision by coming. But there was no turning back, his sister met up with her friend, a maid named Japan. And along with Japan, there was Fallendavius(an OC of mine, you'll see a few more of them in future stories😉), he hated that woman. 

She was always on and on about how she wanted to marry him, but North Korea didn't like her that way. Just because she was a lead maid she thought she could do anything she wanted, and boss around all the other maids. Which annoyed him to no end.

And he already had his hands full being the personal guard of the princess, China. She wasn't demanding or anything, but the fact she could stay calm under any situation annoyed him. And she spends most of her time in the garden, so it's always boring until she asks him to join her in a random gardening activity or to see some random plant.

And as if on cue, he heard footsteps rushing towards him in a hurried manner. "NK! How's it going my dear guard?" China smiled behind her fan, approaching him a bit slower now. "Hello Princess." North Korea could swear he saw Fallendavius glare at China from the corner of his eye, but he ignored it. 

China chatted with him for a bit, asking how his personal life was going and how his sister was doing. Even though South Korea was simply a maid, her and the princess have a good friendship. Then, after a few hours slow music started playing, and couples started parring together to dance. A few of the men who had huge confidence by North Korea's standards stood before the princess so she could choose one of them. She rejected each and every one of them.

While North Korea was watching his sister still talking with Japan in the corner, he saw Fallendavius approach him. "Would you like to dance?" She held out a hand expectantly, waiting for him to take it. "No thanks." He said with no hesitation, shocking Fallendavius a bit. The princess approached them, looking between North Korea and Fallendavius, who looked like she was about to burst into tears.

She looped her arm around North's and smiled softly, closing her fan. She had it with her so often, North Korea sometimes forgot how beautiful she really was. He was slightly confused when China asked him: "Would you do the honors of dancing with me? My guard?" His eyes widened a bit, Her Majesty? Dancing with him? A mere guard?

He looked at the princess for a bit, realizing she was serious. "Of course." He led the princess to the middle of the room, wrapping an arm around her waist and holding on of her hands interlocked with his. She put her free hand in his shoulder, and the two began to dance.

Fallendavius burst out crying and ran out of the ball room. South Korea and Japan looked a little shocked but smiled soon after. The whole room seemed to freeze as the two danced, North Korea didn't care, they could stare and gape. 

Right now, it was just him and China.


End of oneshot

I hope you liked it 

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