Part Two: More then just a meal.

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Claudia walked out the door first, as I followed behind her. Everyone seemed to have their heads down, but Hanna and Irina seemed lively this morning, and I found it odd.

As I walked I brushed my dark brown hair out of my face, so I could see clearly in front of me. As we entered the Mess Hall, I noticed the head mistress, Frau Kleist. She moved next to one of the cleaners and seemed to have a short conversation with them, before moving on, grabbing some dirty dishes and giving them to the cook herself. The cook seemed unamused with more dishes, and children to feed but it was her job. We stood in line for a unappetizing Turnip Soup which is what we had when the orphanage was short on food or just needed a quick meal.

Although the food wasn't the best, we ate it within seconds. I personally inhaled my food, I ate it so quickly I barely noticed that we had a bowl full, and not just a spoon full. I took my bowl of Turnip soup and moved over to a table. I sat down, Claudia sitting next to me, and Irina and Hanna sitting across from us. We all looked at each other in a weird silence before Hanna spoke up. "What do you think we're doing today..?" She asked as if today would be different. I shook my head before responding. "Scrubbing floors, cleaning dishes, what else?

   "Nothing is never new about the days here." I replied, seeming unamused. "Emilia, what if it was different?-" Irina spoke suddenly "Well it won't be different." She probably wasn't wrong. Hanna opened her mouth to speak again, but was interrupted by Headmistress, Frau Kleist. She stood at the front of the Mess Hall and spoke. "We have some news for our older children here.." She paused before being interrupted herself.

A SS Officer stood at the front of the room. I looked at Claudia before looking back at the Officer and Frau Kleist. "I need children ages 11 and up to form a line outside." Claudia then gave me a concerned look before standing up. Irina stood, with Hanna behind her, and I did the same. ""What do you think they need us for?" Irina asked her sister, Hanna. Hanna didn't respond and made her way outside, behind Claudia getting in the line of children who had lined up. I shivered slightly from the cold unaware we were being sent outside.

  I looked down at my feet, aching for boots now in the snow. Frau Kleist walked outside, with a slightly crossed face. She made her way to the same Officer and spoke to him.

   "Must the children stand in the cold-?" The Officer spoke to her, but I couldn't make out what he said. Frau Kleist then looked to the children, and motioned us all inside. "Everyone go out some warm clothes on, January is not a warm season!" I was glad to be back inside, welcoming the warm air as I breathed in. I walked down the hall, countering each identical door until we reached the 12th. I pushed the door open, going to the same trunk.

I opened, removing a bundled coat. I pulled the coat on, feeling relieved to have a extra layer. I turned to exit but, then I saw Frau Kleist.
            As I was exiting I ran into Frau Kleist, causing her to loose the four pairs of Black, and Brown boots in her arms. I looked up shocked .
"Es tut mir Leid!"

  I apologized frantically. Frau Kleist just waved her hand. I picked up two pairs of boots as she got the other two. "Emilia, I need you to put these boots on, and give these three pairs to Hanna, Irina, and Claudia." I nodded. "Yes Ma'am." I took the other two pairs of boots, and turned away from Frau Kleist, walking into the room. I took a pair of black boots for myself, then laying the rest out on the ground.

  I looked up. "Frau Kleist says put these boots on."  Claudia didn't even look up, before scrambling to get a pair of boots. Irina and Hanna got their boots last, putting them on after Claudia had gotten her's.

  The three of us walked out of the door again, stepping outside into the cold atmosphere.    About thirty minutes later, we were told to walk to the train station where some of us would go to Essen, and some Berlin. I was confused instantly. "Why are we leaving?!" Irina asked frantically, saying that overly loud in my opinion. I was somewhat happy to be traveling, but a part of me was uneasy. I got a knot in my stomach the second we reached the train station platform.

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