Part 7: Distant Memories

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It had only been four months since our departure form the Orphanage, to Berlin. It all felt so far away. The warmth of the small bed in the orphanage, Hanna and Irina, Claudia too. What had happened to them? Perhaps Irina was under the American's control now, and it was better in Essen. I was sure the Americans were better then the Soviets.

As we walked my feet started to ache, I wanted to stop, close my eyes, and forget all of this. But it was real. My reality was under the Soviet's control now. We reached the bomb cellar. For once the floor didn't sway, and there wasn't the rattling of explosions. I sat down in the corner and closed my eyes. The Orphanage was now a pleasant memory.

   I longed for it. The warmth. The people. The food. Everything. Another thing that flashed in my memory was Claudia, Hanna, and Irina. What had happened to them? We left Hanna and Claudia at the ammunition's factory. We're they captured..? Irina may be in a slightly better situation.. Maybe? Probaly not. The only positive thought was that the Americans had reached the West, and not the Soviets.

   The sound of footsteps returned.


     The sound of the bomb shelter opening was heard. Some women had smeared coal on their face, or used anything they had to look less appealing. I just kept my eyes fixed to the floor, letting my dark brown hair fall over my eyes. Kalina sat next to me, shoulder to shoulder, waiting. Would the soldiers take me? What if they took Kalina? It was clear what they wanted form what we had heard. They called them pigs, swine. Barbarians. Only the vengeance they will seek for their homeland. A soldier entered they bomb shelter followed by two others. Everyone had their heads down, except for some.

    Was this real? It was. Random thoughts entered my head, unreasonable.

I kept my head down hiding my face. The darkness of the bomb shelter hid most of us, and the people in the back, but the soldier shined lights around. Frau Kleist sat in front of us, she was trying to shield us, but that wouldn't work. The soldier approached Frau Kleist, shining his light in her face, before ordering her to move. Frau Kleist shook her head. We didn't understand Russian but we could tell her wanted her to move. The soldier grabbed Frau Kleist's arm and drug her out of the bomb shelter. She was silent the whole way out.


The bomb shelter door was slammed shut, and Kalina started to shake. They had taken Frau Kleist. The two other soldiers remained in the bomb shelter shining lights in the faces of everyone in the shelter. What had been our refuge was now practically a cage. And outside, more Russians just waiting.

   Berlin wasn't safe, inside or outside, balconies were set with trip wires, explosives in drawers, drunk soldiers in the streets. We were stuck. Perhaps we could leave to the countryside..? Soviets were in the countryside, their camps all over Germany. Being Polish wasn't an advantage. Hitler labeled the Poles sub-humans and invaded Poland from the East while agreeing to let the Soviets have the West of Poland.

My country was split in half, but being Polish wasn't a advantage. Either way, the Soviets didn't care. "''Nicht deutsch.''" That was common to hear, if it was a lie or not. Being Polish wouldn't help. The Russians either wouldn't care or take us for being Polish. Everything was complicated. Simply your country or work could determine your fate.

||May 6th, 1945||
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I walked out of the bomb shelter, Kalina at my side. We walked quickly towards a apartment building that hadn't been destroyed. It was in fairly good condition, compared to all the other buildings. I stopped at the front door, before quietly pushing it open then entering quickly, followed by Kalina. We hoped someone would take us in.. We needed somewhere to stay. If Frau Kleist hadn't come back we were on our own. We walked up the stairs of the building to the third floor. We stopped in front of a door, and knocked. No answer. I knocked on more time. Final. We hoped the door would open, and to our surprise it did.

     A woman that seemed to be in her sixties opened the door slightly. As she saw us she opened it completely. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Kalina then spoke. "We are looking for a place to stay..If you have any space we were wondering if we could stay..-" The woman pauses before looking around. She motioned for us to come in so we did. "I have a room but you must share." We nodded and thanked her.

   "What are your names?"
"Kalina and Emilia." 

   The woman led us down a small hallway into a room with a bed. A small bed was in the corner with a small desk beside it. She slightly smiled before leaving and walking back down the hallway. I was surprised we had managed to have a place to stay. Even if it was just for now.

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