Part 11: Kostyukov

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The officer stepped in, to Kalina's shock when she saw me behind him. "You brought him here?'' Kalina said almost in disbelief. I nodded. I paused by the window, and looked out. The sun once again fell against the red horizon. Two more soldiers appeared. Three other women from different apartments came.

Apparently Ilse had them over, and two more soldiers appeared after them. Then I saw the black haired soldier. I turned back to the blonde haired officer, pretty much using him as a shield from the black haired soldiers sight.

I finally asked the blonde haired officer his name. "Ivan Kostyukov."

A Belarusian.

The apartment was eventually pretty full, seven of us, and seven soldiers. There was laughter but Ivan and I just sat on the couch talking. He was twenty one. I didn't expect him to be a officer. The black haired soldier finally saw me, and walked over. He looked pretty mad when he saw Ivan and I.

He glared at Ivan before opening his mouth, but nothing came out. Ivan just smiled at him and said, "Evening, Andrei."

the black haired soldier, Andrei, was visibly frustrated at the fact that his friend was with me. I was perfectly fine with that. Much rather Ivan then him.

Most of the soldiers brought food. Half of them drank more then they should have. I eventually laughed myself when one fell out of his chair, and practically passed o on the floor. Kalina stayed out of sight most of the time, and didn't speak. Until a soldier went up to her and offered her a drink.

While attempting to win Kalina over, he fell. Kalina actually laughed, and I smiled.

Ivan seemed pretty calm about the situation and managed not to get drunk besides breaking glass here and there. He willingly cleaned it though. Before cutting his hand.-

  His eyes went wide when he saw blood coming from his. Interesting times. I gave Ivan a cloth but he focused on his hand. It wasn't a bad cut.

   A woman, named Frau Schneider told stories about her life before the war, but Ivan and I still remained on the couch. Kalina in fact, possibly made a acquaintance at the least, with the soldier that fell in front of her.

Eventually Frau Schneider and the others went back to their apartments, but Ivan made sure to stay after. He took off his cap and boots practically curled up on the couch. I sat next to him, unsure of what to do.

The lights remained on in the sitting area when Eva along with Ilse eventually returned to their rooms. Kalina was no where to be seen.

   Suddenly Ivan looked up. "Do you have a room..?"

  I froze for a second. "Wait."

   I got up and walked to the room Kalina and I shared. The light was off and she wasn't there. I quickly walked to Eva's room and knocked on the door, although I felt bad for most likely waking her up.

  The door opened, with Eva in the doorway. "Yes, Emilia?"

    "Wheres Kalina..?"

   "She's with friend.." Eva spoke with a disappointing tone. I nodded.

   I walked back to the sitting area, and sat back next to Ivan. He looked at me quite intently waiting for a answer. He sat up, looking at me. I took his arm, while he picked up his boots, leading him to the room Kalina and I shared. Once in he closed the door behind us. I felt slightly uneasy again. The feeling quickly went away though. He set his books next to the desk which still had my journal on it.

Ivan layer back down in the bed in the room. I moved over to the desk where the journal remained. I can't believe it was the only thing besides memories from the orphanage and the boots I wore.

I flipped through the pages slowly, inspecting each one by one. Two pages before the last, I saw two words. A name. I flipped backing having passed the page. I looked at the name. My eyes widened.


I paused. A name. My name..? Who had put a name in here? There's had to be another Emilia Nowak. I didn't even know my own last name. There had to be another Emilia.

Ivan looked at me. He could very much tell I had seen something, but I set the pencil in the page, marking it before I closed it. I walked over, and sat to Ivan on the bed.

"What was it?" Ivan asked.

"Nothing, just a note." I put on a fake smile.

Ivan slowly nodded before rolling in his side. He put a arm on my shoulder, slightly pulling me down next to him.

His dirty blonde hair slightly hung over his forehead. It looked pretty messy, but I ignored it. He wrapped a strong arm around me and pulled me closer to him, to where my nose was almost touching his chest.

He smirked, looking at me. I tried moving slightly farther away but he held me where I was.

A scream came from downstairs. Probaly the apartment. Most of the windows were blown out so we could hear most things if not everything.

Ivan ignored the scream and held me close to him. "What was that?" I asked him, slightly gripping his uniform. He shook his head.


The scream had come from a female, not a male. I thought for a moment before I realized what was happening. My grip on Ivan's uniform tightened. I let go, but then he pulled me closer, out chests and legs touching.

My breathing increased and he could tell. I looked upwards at Ivan, his blue eyes staring into mine. I gripped his uniform again out of nervousness. A smirk spread across his face one more.

He seemed to be enjoying my unease and nervousness.

  I held into his uniform as if I was trying to stabilize myself. I curled my fingers around the buttons. They were cold. Not surprising due to my current body heat. The buttons on his collar remained in my grasp. His tan uniform had probaly been through several places.

  One of the button popped undone due to my tight grip. Ivan took my hands in his and placed them on his sides. He undid the rest the rest of the buttons leaving him with his opened tunic and white undershirt.

I kept my hands where they were, keeping them where they were.

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