Part 4: Changes

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  We continued working in the factory, but we noticed the supervisor had been coming less and less, and when he did he spent less time at the factory. Odd. We continued working, but eventually Frau Kleist was done if the supervisor wasn't there. She made her way to the door and opened it. The door opened without any struggle and everyone just looked out to freedom, but why had it come so easily..?

   Surely the supervisor would have someone there to watch the door, or at least lock it! This was strange no doubt, but I wasn't taking any chances, and sick of the conditions we worked in. I stood up and moved towards the door. Frau Kleist turned and looked at me, then to everyone else. "What are we waiting for girls?" She paused before speaking again. "It is me and you four! We must leave and get a apartment and get out of these conditions!"

     Frau Kleist was right, but no doubt I was also scared. Scared of what would happen to us if we got caught escaping. We left though Claudia and Hanna refused to leave, and I was shocked.I tried to convince them, so did Kalina, and Frau Kleist. But they refused. So we left. Without them.. When we got outside. Berlin was in terrible condition..Chunks out of houses, and apartment blocks, craters in the streets.- We kept walking though. There was a half abandoned apartment complex, so we entered. We hoped for some shelter, as it was late in the day. We walked three stories up before we found two empty apartments. I quietly pulled the door open, and called out if anyone was inside. No answer. I walked cautiously inside the apartment. It seemed the family had left in a hurry, as there were broken plates and a tipped over chair.

  There was a mid-length hallway and 3 bedrooms. It was a large apartment. Although the living room was small the main part was the three bedrooms and a bathroom. There was a medium sized couch in the living with a tear on the back. I gladly embraced it being warmer inside though. I put the chair upright, and kicked the glass outside the door. I explored while Kalina looked through the kitchens contents. There was almost no food. That was the problem. None of the taps worked except for one. There was a small pot which was chipped, and some silverware left. There was nothing to cook with, and we'd be lucky with any food we came across.

   Frau Kleist has clothes from the orphanage although, some didn't fit, and it was two dresses, and one coat per girl.
           I didn't mind, and I was glad for something new. I walked into one of the bedrooms, the bed was simple, but it was good and looked comfortable. We had three people though, so space wasn't a issue in this case. Frau Kleist got the largest bed, which was in the first room. I was in the room at the end on the hall, and surprisingly it had a lock, on it. I sat on the small bed, looking around the room. It wasn't that spacious, but comfortable. Kalina was in the room next to mine.

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