" geography two "

7 0 0

the table x reader
+political discussions(?)


The tall nearly empty table was soon filled with its fifty members. The large group didn't notice anything off at first until Texas noticed the overly intrigued person taking notes at Gov's command next to him.

"What's this Gov? Another one of your little lackey's?" The sole Texan at the table quizzed Gov.

"Well this is actually my friend-"A large portion of the table stopped their conversations and arguments (mostly arguments)to hear the appalling news. "Y/N, I believe I've talked about them before." Gov awkwardly finished, finally having the attention of all the states(except this time he didn't actually want it).

A slew of quiet and loud whispers occurred for a second before the room became engulfed in laughter.

Now while Y/N was a socially flexible person and could handle themselves in at least a bit of conversation. This was kind of freaky. A table of fifty relatively immortal beings all laughing at a joke you most definitely weren't aware of, and your only support was covering his face in embarrassment.

Alaska sat at his spot in the corner giving the nervous human what looked like a thumbs up. Louisiana seemed to be second to notice your uncomfortable mood and his laughter seized pretty quickly, but a large smile still slid on his face.

"Oh, we're not laughing at you pie, it's just that a lot of us didn't believe Gov was being serious about you being real is all." Louisiana kindly clarified as Florida laid on him to catch his breath.

Y/N relaxed a bit, before turning their attention to Gov who seemed to be feeling an immense embarrassment. He looked at Y/N to gage their reaction.

"So apparently a lot of your friends thought I was an imaginary friend?" Y/N joked as Gov nearly vomited out of embarrassment.

"I should've told you about how... immature they are." He sighed while reclining into his chair allowing himself to sink into the leather.

"Wait so you're actually his friend? Like he's not paying you off or anything?" Texas had just caught his breath before asking the question.

"Me and Gov have been friends for a few months, without payment." Y/N was still a bit awkward as they fiddled with the pen Gov gave them.


The states went back to ignoring you after their laugh session and a few indirect insults aimed at Gov.  You were starting to rethink your impromptu decision as you flipped to a new page in the binder your friend gave you to record the important happenings of the meeting.

The states were arguing over abortion laws when you started spacing out staring into a particularly attractive bit of wall. Though the wall wasn't supposed to wink at you and whisper to someone nearby.

You blinked yourself into reality realizing you were staring at Nevada who was now whispering to Oregon about your prolonged gaze.

After that humongous blunder you decided the current argument wasn't that uninteresting. Texas every now and then looked at your notes about the topic after California had decided to take a sip of water to continue the verbal battle.

He looked a bit appalled by your blunt choice of words towards the states thoughts on the subject.

"I don't think we're going in circles now, that's a bit much." Texas thought out loud eyes still glued to your notes.

You blankly stared at him before flipping back a few pages to the  many other arguments they had about abortions.

"Well the conversation has to be had." Texas defended ignoring California's attempts to regain his attention. "It's important to society that babies aren't being murdered."

You gave Texas another blank stare.

"You wouldn't get your just a human. This is a conversation best left to us." Texas rebutted, basically talking to himself at that point.

"Right, same group that has been doing more walking around in circles than confused cattle?" Your slick insult seemed to catch the entire group's ears as you nearly heard heads turn over. Gov went silent in the conversation he chasing Florida around in.

Texas nearly cursed at your bluntness"Well, I- we talk about these things for the safety and well-being of-"

"Of who? You're so confident in the identity of your state that I feel like you don't recognize that your faults." You felt like maybe starting an argument with the second biggest state was a bit much for an introduction but scolding such a powerful figure was giving you a bit of a high. "So who's well-being are you worried about? Because I think the reason you keep going around in circles is because your quite confused on the question yourself."

Texas's composure had slipped but before you see exactly how he felt about your little rant you heard a snap.


Gov let out a sigh he seemed to be holding as he flopped onto your couch. You were again like a deer in headlights for second before realizing what happened. You opened your mouth to speak but Gov spoke first.

"Maybe I should've had you meet them over like, ice cream or something." Gov chuckled.

"Sorry for being... Overly vocal?" You slid next to him offering a look of sincerity.

"It's fine, might be a while until you come back though." Gov smiled sweetly at you.

He raised his hand to leave before ask what he meant by that and snapped out of existence.

Welp. That was boring. You fell into your couch a soft sigh left your lips as you pondered the previous conversation. You over thought your words and speech pattern, remembering your embarrassing mannerisms and way of phrase, and oh my god Alaska. You sprung up searching for your phone. Luckily you had kept in your pocket to keep you occupied during all that paperwork. You immediately sent a text to Gov saying: once you get the time could ask Alaska if I could get his number, make sure to tell I will rarely ever use it.

You smooshed yourself into a more comfortable position into your couch with a pillow crammed into your hands and the blanket you should've put into the guest room ages ago.


Okay so I was getting a second chance to do something most people don't even fathom doing. Obviously I've made a lot of effort to come off better this time. Gov had made the decision to be the sweetest friend to ever allow me to meet his friends in a way that wasn't so overwhelming.

We had decided that it'd be better to go with his idea of getting ice cream. Well not literally, by according to Gov a lot of the states care way too much about (idk how that possible but whatever boss man says)food. So the plan is to have lunch with them.

Obviously I'm not wineing and dineing every single state individually or eat with them all at once. Gov has told me that the states kind of fit into groups based off their location.


1177 words

This is old and I low-key don't like it but I'm trying to focus on making new stuff I do like and this being a draft for however has been stressing me.


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