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This story is adapted from the original story 'Her Intentions' by Sabrinaa728. This is just an adaptation! All rights belong to the original owner.

Enjoy and thank you for reading :)


Jennie's POV

It's been almost a week since I made that video. Working for Ms. Manoban hasn't been so bad, but only because she didn't give me any work. She said she didn't want to give me more than I can handle. 

The audacity, because I can. Anyway.

I also got my own office just across from hers which was cool because I like decorating and most importantly, I have so much personal space.

I was scheduling meetings with some big companies for Ms. Manoban to attend, when I got a call from Kai. I declined it and tried to get back to work, but he called again.

"What do you want now Kai?! I said we're over and that's what I meant. Enjoy having fun with my sister," I said with annoyance.

"I j-just want to talk baby. It doesn't have to be like this. W-we can work it out. I don't know what c-came over me when I did that with Suzy but I'm sorry. It'll never happen again," he said nervously, sounding scared to what I would say next.


I obviously was falling for these lies, so I just hung up and tried to get the image of the two on the couch, that I paid, out of my head. 

Fucking Bullshit

Two Weeks Ago

Jisoo and I are going shopping because tonight is Kai's and I's 3-year anniversary and I wanted to do something special for him. I honked my horn about five times before I see Jisoo walk out of her apartment, glaring at me for rushing her. She opened my door slamming it closed.

"Well, that was rude, don't ya think?" I asked, knowing it would get on her nerves.

She scoffs and mutters something under her breath. I laughed and drove off.

We arrived at the mall and I'm looking in my purse for my wallet only to find out I forgot it at home. I groaned. 

"Hey, I forgot my wallet, you okay if we go back?"

"Yeah, it's not a far drive anyways."

I turned the car around to head to my apartment.

Jisoo and I got out of the car and walked to my front door only to hear a girl moaning. My eyes instantly started to tear up and I hoped it wasn't as it seemed.

Jisoo looks up at me worried and took the keys from me and unlocked the door since my hands were shaking. When she opened it, I went in and there they were, my boyfriend and my sister on the couch... having sex. 

Jisoo started shouting at the both of them, but all I just stood frozen in my spot. Staring at them with tears streaming down my face. Kai looked at me with horror while my sister, Suzy, looked down at the floor, covering her body.

Kai stood up to try and come to me, but I started to back up shaking my head. I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I'd just caught my boyfriend cheating on me with my own flesh and blood. Out of all the girls he could've cheated on me with, he chose my sister.

Of course, I'm not just mad at him, but also at my sister. Suzy knew how I felt about him and here she is, the audacity to look shameful after getting caught fucking my boyfriend.

"Baby, this wasn't supposed to happen. She came onto me" Kai desperately said. He looked like he wanted to cry.

"So, you couldn't resist her?! You just had to sleep with my own sister?!," I screamed at the top of my lungs. Turning to my sister.

"Suzy, I talked to you when I thought he was out there cheating on me, knowing now that you were the one, he was cheating me with?! I mean come on Suzy, why did you do this to me?!" She just looked down and starting fidgeting with her fingers.

It's something she does when she knows she's guilty.

"I-I don't know what came over me. I couldn't control myself. I came here to talk to you about Dean, but Kai was here, and he listened to me. He looked at me like I was the only girl he wanted. And I'll have you know that this isn't the first time we've slept together." She finished and stepped closer to Kai. 

Anger took over me and I ran towards both of them but didn't get far because Jisoo held me back. I tried getting out of her grip, but realizing she wasn't letting go, I stopped trying.

After a few minutes of me trying to calm down, I looked at both of them with hatred in my eyes. 

"When did it happen?" I asked trying to keep a calm voice.

"When you were in the hospital" Suzy whispered. 

My eyes started to tear up again as I looked at Kai. 

"Really Kai? You could've just broken up with me? I should've known because after I got out of the hospital, you two started to act differently around each other. I would catch you guys eyeing each other, and when I asked what was wrong, you just got mad Kai. This isn't fair, this isn't fair at all!" I finished with a sob. 

I could hear Kai and Suzy saying things, but I couldn't focus. I needed to get out of here. I walked back to the car and Jisoo followed behind me. As I got in, my breath started to get unstable, and I started to cry uncontrollably. Jisoo got in the back seat with me and held me as I cried. 

Present Day

Shaking my head, I look at my watch. I have five more minutes before I get off work. I'm going to pick up Jisoo so she can help me move out of my apartment. She insisted that I come to stay with her until I get back to "my old self." 

I started to pack my things and just as I was about to leave, Ms. Manoban came through the door. She looked at me for a second before speaking. 

"Jennie, cancel all your plans for the next 3 days. You're going on a business trip with me first thing in the morning. I'll have Jeff pick you up at 5:30 in the morning. Don't be late or you will have consequences, again." My face turned red as she reminded me of what happened in her office.

"I'm sorry Ms. Manoban but I don't think I'll be able to come" she stepped close to me, making me shrink back. 

"And why is that Ms. Kim?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

I need to change my panties after I leave. 

"I'm moving out of my apartment." She started thinking for a few seconds until she responded.

"I'll help" 

Her Intentions (JenLisa Adaptation)Where stories live. Discover now