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This story is adapted from the original story 'Her Intentions' by Sabrinaa728. This is just an adaptation! All rights belong to the original owner.

Enjoy and thank you for reading :)


Jennie's POV

"Oh fuck!" " I moaned as Lisa pounded into me.

She grabbed my neck and went harder, making my eyes roll to the back of my head. 

"Be quiet baby, you'll wake up your family," Lisa said lowly. 

I nodded my head and bit my lip. Lisa's hand traveled to my clit, rubbing it hard and fast. It took everything in me not to scream at the top of my lungs. I cover my hands, but Lisa pulls it away from my face and but puts both of my arms against my back.

Lisa pulled me up by my hair and made me look at her through the bathroom mirror. 

"You love my cock that much, huh? You like it when I fuck you hard and fast?" I nodded my head and felt my stomach tighten. 

"Use your words Princesse," Lisa said fucking me deeper and harder.

Shit. I'm so full.

"I- fuck! I'm cum-"

I couldn't get the words right out as I tightened around her dick and started to cum hard. I opened my mouth, and just as I was about to scream, Lisa put her hand over my mouth. 

After a few minutes, I calmed down from my high and backed into Lisa, meeting her halfway as she started to pound me again. I felt sensitive, but I was determined to make Lisa finish too. 

I reached behind me and pulled her dick out. I got on my knees, licking the tip of her dick. I made eye contact with her as I went down on her shaft. I massaged her balls while bobbing my head fast on her dick. 

"Fuck baby, your mouth feels so good. So warm around me," Lisa moaned.

I pulled her out of my mouth before speaking, "Be quiet before you wake my family up," I smirked up at Lisa. 

"Oh yeah?" I nodded my head. 

She took her left hand, wrapping my hair around it, and with her right hand, she took her dick and placed it in my mouth. 

I reached underneath my robe and rubbed my clit. I moaned on Lisa's cock as she started to face fuck me. I gagged as her tip repeatedly hit the back of my throat.

I felt my eyes watering as I took her full length in my mouth. I looked up to see her with her head thrown back while letting out low grunts. I felt her pull out of my mouth, moving her hand from the tip to the base of her dick. I made her remove her hand, replacing it with mine. 

"Cum for me, Lisa. Cum all over me amor" I said in an accent, knowing it'll turn her on. I whispered little nothings to her, and soon enough, she released on my face.

I took my index finger and wiped all of her cum off my face and licked my finger dry. I got up from the ground and began putting my clothes back on, which included of an oversized shirt and my panties. I looked behind me to see Lisa in her sports bra and underwear. 

"Try not to wear any shorts around your family. Your knees sure are sore," Lisa said with a smirk. 

I looked down, and indeed, my knees looked bruised. I rolled my eyes, walking into my bedroom. 

I climbed into bed and put my hair into a curly bun. Grabbing the book from my nightstand, I put on my glasses, reaching for the novel, It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover.

I read a few pages before I felt eyes on me. I looked over to see my girlfriend staring at my toned legs. 

Oh god.

"Baby, I'm too sore to go another round," I mentioned looking at her hard on. She chucked.

 "Worth a shot," she said, making me laugh.

Lisa placed her head on my stomach, and my hand went into her hair, gently massaging it. 

"I have a meeting tomorrow with a big company. The biggest so far. I'd love for you to come?" Lisa asks with hope that I would say yes. 

"No, I'm good, but thank you for the offer, babe," I looked at her to see a pout on her face. She can be so adorable sometimes.

"What time does the meeting start?" She made a thinking face. 

"One-thirty, but I like to get to meetings early, so I'll be leaving around one," Lisa said with a blank expression. 

I hummed in response, putting my glasses and book on my nightstand. I lay down on my side with my back towards Lisa. I felt Lisa's strong arms wrap around my waist, making me smile. 

I started to sing as I closed my eyes. I felt Lisa's breath slow against my neck, letting me know she had fallen asleep. I turned my body in her arms and kissed her nose before letting sleep engulf me.


Lisa's POV 

It's been almost two weeks since the meeting. Jennie's family and I have been talking much more, and I've slowly felt like one of them. 

Her father hasn't talked to me much, but when he did speak to me, he would say things harshly. Jennie would always argue with him about it, but it never bothered me. I know it's his way of trying to accept me into the family. 

"Baby, I'm horny again," my cute whiny girlfriend said with a pout. 

I got up from my office chair. If you didn't know, I have multiple businesses, and right now, we're in one of my most successful companies. I mentally sighed and smile a bit.

"I can't go another round Princesse. I think you broke my dick. Let's go out to eat or watch a movie," I said calmly. Jennie shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"Okay, that's fine. I'll go please myself since my girlfriend doesn't care for me," she said with an attitude.

I sighed. Amused but her little attitude. I sat back down in my desk chair looking at the time on my watch. I started typing on my computer, getting ready for a video call with multiple companies. 

"Jennie, amore mio, please don't be like this. I'll be with you when I'm done with this meeting okay?" She looked as if she was bored with my answer, but I see her discreetly nod.

I joined the call and greeted everyone. Our companies were coming together to make a new product. I let the other people do the talking while I kept an eye on my girlfriend.

She came walking towards me and I shook my head no, silently telling her to stay away. She got on the floor, crawling under my desk.

"Ms. Manoban, are you there? You seem pretty zoned out," one of the businessmen said. 

"Uh, y-yes I'm great. You may continue sir" just as I said that I felt Jennie unzipping my pants, wrapping her hands around my dick.

You see, one thing about Jennie is if she wants something, she's going to get it no matter what. And right now, she's horny and wants me to fuck her brains out in my office so that's what she's getting. 

I closed my computer and pulled Jennie up by her hair. "You really know how to test me huh" I said with a smirk. She bit her lip, nodding.

"Okay let's see how long you can go without cumming," I said smirking. Jennie looked at me, fear and excitement prominent in her eyes, pulling her shorts down, along with her lace panties. 

"What are you waiting for? Come fuck me amor" she said with an accent, as she ripped my button shirt open, exposing my sports bra.

Lord have mercy. 

Her Intentions (JenLisa Adaptation)Where stories live. Discover now