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This story is adapted from the original story 'Her Intentions' by Sabrinaa728. This is just an adaptation! All rights belong to the original owner.

Enjoy and thank you for reading :)


Jennie's POV

"Yes actually. I wanted to let you know that you're fired" she said nonchalantly. 

I stood there, trying to figure out what I did wrong, but nothing came to my mind. 

"What do you mean I'm fired?! I haven't done anything to make you want to fire me!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Do not raise your voice at me. I told you this was a business trip and now you're getting busy with someone while I'm right next door to you." She said with a serious face. 

I look back at Krystal, "I'll come down in a few minutes, okay?" She nodded and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving. 

Ms. Manoban glares at her.

"What's your problem? I mean, you're being a hypocrite because I just walked in on you fucking some other woman and I even made myself known, but you didn't stop. You have no respect, and I honestly don't know why you're mad. It's not like we're together or anything. You're my boss and only that."

She intimidatingly walked up to me and stared into my eyes for a few seconds. Just as she was about to make a move, I moved passed her and walked out leaving her alone. 

I got into the elevator and once I got out, I headed to the front desk where Krystal was sitting. She looked up and smiled. 

"Hey, you doing okay?" Krystal asked worriedly. I nodded and smiled. 

"I kind of want to finish what we've started," I said, biting my lip. Krystal chuckled looking at the clock and stood up.

"I mean I'm basically off work so we can take this to my car if you want" Krystal said with a smirk while grabbing her keys. 

"I'd like that," I said smiling, and followed Krystal to the car. 

Krystal had a white 2022 Mercedes-Benz EQS SUV. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't impressed. I stared at the car with my mouth open. 

"Woah" was all I said before getting in the passenger seat. 

I looked around the car in awe. Krystal had little lights on her ceiling. 

Krystal started pulling her pants down, and I climbed over the seat to straddle her. My lips made their way to her neck and started leaving marks, making her moan. She put her hands on my waist and started making me grind on her strap. I started to moan because of how good it felt. 

I got up and grabbed Krystal's strap. I started slowly going down on it while moaning. Once she was all the way in, I made eye contact with her and started bouncing up and down, moaning loudly. 

The car was filled with me and Krystal's moans, along with a slapping noise. After 15 minutes, my legs began to get tired. 

"Fuck me, Krystal," I said, followed by a moan. She held my waist and started fucking me making me scream a little.

"Ahh shit baby you're doing so good for me. Keep taking all of me like that Jennie" Krystal said, groaning while repeatedly smacking my ass. 

"Yes, Krystal yes keep going! I'm so fucking close!" I said with my accent.

This encouraged Krystal to go harder, and I put my head on her shoulder trying not to scream. 

"Stop hiding those beautiful moans from me," Krystal said in a deep voice, making me moan. 

She started rubbing my clit fast and before I knew it, I was cumming. My legs started to shake, and I started to scream her name. After I calmed down, she pulled out and started finger fucking me. 

I tried stopping her movement by putting my hand on top of hers, but that didn't work. I knew I was going to squirt soon if she didn't stop. I tried holding my orgasm, but it just made her go faster. 

"Oh god, I can't!" I grabbed her forearm and started squirting on her fingers.

By now, I was so sensitive and tired, so I laid my head down on her shoulder. She reached over and got a paper towel from her dashboard and started wiping me. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, she talked. 

"So how long are you staying in London?" I shrugged. 

"A few more days and then I'm going back home but that's only if I still have my job," I said as I remembered getting fired. 

"But why can't you stay longer?" She asked as a pout appeared on her lips, making me kiss them. 

"I can, I just need to find a new job or try to get my old one back," I said smiling. Krystal nodded and rested her head between my breasts.


Krystal and I started talking about ourselves and turns out, she is 23 and she went to the same high school as me, but we never crossed paths. 

We were laughing about something, when we heard a banging noise on the window. Krystal rolled the window down. 

"Yes, Ms. Manoban?" She was about to answer when she looked down at my chest.

This caused me to look down and see that my robe was open with my breasts out. They were covered with marks that Krystal made. I immediately closed my robe and Ms. Manoban's eyes met mines. 

"Although I was going to apologize for firing you without giving any explanation nor reason, I believe I should still fire you," she said with a smile as she turned a walked off. 

"I think your boss likes you," Krystal said with a forced smile. 

"Well if she does like me, she does have a funny way of showing it" Krystal laughed and we started a new conversation.

Her Intentions (JenLisa Adaptation)Where stories live. Discover now