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This story is adapted from the original story 'Her Intentions' by Sabrinaa728. This is just an adaptation! All rights belong to the original owner.

Enjoy and thank you for reading :)


Jennie's POV

It's been a week since we landed in Georgia. Suzy hasn't shown up for the vacation which is good because I don't think I can look at her. Lisa and I are working on getting back on good terms. Turns out, she was in the state for a meeting.

Right now, me and my family are having a movie night. We are currently deciding on a movie to watch. The kids wanted to watch Encanto for the nth time. The adults wanted to watch Encanto for the nth time. The adults wanted to watch The Christmas Carol which in my opinion is one of the best Christmas movies of all time.

I decided to check up on Lisa. Getting up I left to go to my old childhood bedroom. To the right of my room was a large white bookshelf occupied with my favorite books. It had a cyan bean bag chair along with a light pastel purple one. 

Across from the reading area stood a white desk matched with a white rolling desk chair tucked underneath it. On the desk, there was a cup full of pens and pencils along with a computer. 

To the left of my room, I had my bed along with a cloud wall filled with LED underneath. Next to my bed, I have a dresser with a lamp. 

I sat on my bed clicking the call button. I put it up to my ear and waited for her to answer. On the third ring, she answered. 

"Hey Jen, I'm sorry I'm getting ready for a meeting so can I call you back?" I frowned. 

"But I really-" the call disconnected. "Miss you..." 


Frowning, I got up from my bed and headed back to the living where all my family was and of course, they were still deciding on a movie to watch. I sat down in the middle of my older sister, So-Hee, and Jisoo. Just as I was getting comfortable, we heard a knock at the door. 

"I'll get it," Jisoo said smiling at me. 

I gave her a confused look and she unlocked the door letting the person in. Her smile quickly dropped once she saw who walked in. 

Suzy and Kai

The image of the two of them on the couch came flooding back into my head like a hurricane. 

"Get out," I said standing up. Suzy shook her head. 

"This is a family gathering and from what I recall I'm still family regardless of what I did. It was a mistake so let's just move on with our lives." I scoffed. 

"If it was a mistake then why would bring him here with you?!" 

I felt my face heat up in anger as I watched Suzy do the same. My aunts and uncles started gathering up the kids to take them outside. 

"Because I need to tell the family something" her voice was shaky as if she was about to cry. 

There was another knock at the door. I went and opened it to see Lisa. I immediately embraced her and felt all anger leave my body. 

"I thought you had a meeting" I looked up at her waiting for an answer. 

"I know baby, but I wanted this to be a surprise," she said smiling at me. I leaned up and peck her lips. 

Her smile quickly dropped when she saw Kai standing behind me. She clenched her jaw and closed her eyes taking a deep breath. I was about to say something when I heard my mother speak. 

"Who is this woman and why is she here?" My mom said with a Hispanic accent.

"Um, mom this is my girlfriend, Lisa. Lisa this is my mom and dad." I said nervously.

Both my parent's look at Lisa up and down slowly, confusion in their faces.

"What do you mean girlfriend, hon?" My mom asked. I took a small glance at Suzy and Kai before replying.

"It's because Suzy slept with Kai while we were together." My mom gasped as she took in the last words I said. 

"Suzy, you know that isn't right. You've always been this way, selfish. You can't stand to see your sister happy. You have always tried to take what's hers. I will not accept this type of behavior from you any longer." I didn't expect my mother to say this to her.

"But mom I have to tell the family something. Can you please just let me tell everyone?" She pleaded. 

My mother nodded her head and went to the backyard to gather the family. 

"Okay everyone Suzy has something to say before she leaves." My mother said cutting to the chase.

Everyone's attention was on her, and I felt a presence behind me. I turned my head to see Lisa. I smiled and gave my attention to Suzy. 

"I'm pregnant with Kai's child."

Her Intentions (JenLisa Adaptation)Where stories live. Discover now