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This story is adapted from the original story 'Her Intentions' by Sabrinaa728. This is just an adaptation! All rights belong to the original owner.

Enjoy and thank you for reading :)


Jennie's POV

Nine Months Later

I will never have kids again.

"Get back here, Alex! I say to my ten-month-old son.

Alex learned how to walk at about seven months, and he's been kicking my ass ever since.

Alex is a perfect combination of Lisa and me. He has black hair like Lisa, but he has my curls. He has my cat eyes, along with my nose, but everything else about him resembles Lisa. 

Lisa is at work but will be coming home shortly. Ever since I went into labor, Lisa has been acting weird toward me. 

She only puts the baby to sleep when she's in the mood to. She only cooks for me when she wants something. I'm starting to think she's hiding something.

As I was putting Alex into his playpen, the doorbell rang, and I checked the security camera to find a lady holding a car seat. Confused, I open the door slightly. 

As I was putting Alex into his playpen, the doorbell rang, and I checked the security camera to find a lady holding a car seat. Confused, I open the door slightly. 

"Oh, I'm Regina. Lisa and I met at my bar about ten months ago."

I hummed in response knowing where this was going. So, that's what Lisa was keeping from me. She went out and cheated because she thought I was doing the same. I nodded for her to keep going. 

"We went back to her car and smoked, which led to me and her hooking up. About a month later, I found out I was pregnant. When I told Lisa, she blocked me, so I had to deal with the pregnancy alone. I had the baby last month, and she has been sending me money to keep me quiet," Regina finishes. 

So, this whole time, I've blamed myself for her distance, but Lisa should've been the one I blamed. I knew something was wrong with her from the minute I told her about Kai.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped aside for the lady to come in. "Sit on the couch until Lisa is home," I say, my words coming out harshly. 

She nodded, heading to the grey L-shaped couch. I sat on the other end, staring at the car seat, wondering how in the hell did this happen. 

"It's a girl. I named her Evan just in case you wanted to know," Regina said with a smile. 

I didn't want to know. 

Regina got the baby from the car seat, and as soon as she got her, the door opened. I stood and held my hand up, telling Regina not to follow. 

The living room was around the corner from the front door, so Lisa couldn't see I had company. 

"Hi baby, how was work?" I said with a fake smile. It's taking everything in me not to smash her head against the door.

"It was a few minutes, but then, I had a meeting that I was not satisfied with. But overall, my day sucked," Lisa said, making me laugh. 

"Close your eyes; I have a surprise for you. I think you're going to really love it," I say, leading Lisa to the living room.

By the time we got there, Evan was asleep in Regina's arms. I mouthed, "Stand up with the baby facing us," to Regina, which she reluctantly did. 

"Okay, open your eyes!" I say, stepping away from Lisa. 

As soon as she opens her eyes, the smile on her face dropped. So did mine. 

"This is what you wanted right? This is what you do behind my back right? You fuck other people, get them pregnant, and then pay them to stay quiet?! What the fuck is wrong you, Lisa?!" I say, getting upset all over again. 

Lisa tried grabbing me, but I shook my head. 

"Don't you dare fucking touch me!" I shout at her.

I grabbed Alex (who was watching the whole thing with a smile on his face) and walked upstairs. I found a suitcase and started packing clothes and everything necessary I could find. 

"And just where do you think you're going?" Lisa voiced from the door. I let out a laugh, which made her look at me confused. 

"I'm not going anywhere; you are," I said as I watched her facial expression change.

"I'll discuss about the custody with my lawyer, but for now, get the fuck out of my house," I say, zipping up the suitcase, and grabbing another one.

"Come on Jen, you don't have to do this. Where will I go?" Lisa asked. I shrugged and responded, "With Regina of course. I'm sure she could use your help," I say with venom laced in my voice. 

She continued to apologize and that she didn't mean it, but I'm done. I'm far passed that part. I get cheated twice, fuck my life.

After I'm finished packing everything that I could find of Lisa's, I throw the suitcases across the bed at her. I waved at her and looked at Alex. 

"Tell daddy goodbye," I say as Alex waves goodbye to Lisa. Lisa came across the bed, taking Alex from me. 

I took a mental picture of them to remember the last memory of us as a somewhat family. 

"I'm going to miss you, little man. I'm going to visit you every day I can. Daddy loves you so much," Lisa says, hugging him, and giving him kisses on the forehead. 

I walked downstairs to see Regina still on the couch, staring down at the baby. I sit next to her, tapping her. 

"I just want to let you know that there's no hate toward you from me. But I promise Lisa is going to be in the picture now because I'm kicking her out. If you ever need anything, come back," I say to Regina. 

"Thank you so much. You didn't have to do this but yet, you did," Regina said with teary eyes. 

I heard a commotion from the stairs and looked at Lisa. She had tears running down her face with her hair hanging down her shoulders. This was the first time I have ever seen her cry. I'm guessing she put Alex down because I don't see him. 

As she carried her suitcases down, I couldn't help but regret letting Kai in. If it wasn't for me letting him in, he would've never kissed me. But that still didn't give her the right to cheat and keep secrets. 

Lisa walked up to me, dropped her bags, and held my face. I would be lying if I said I didn't want her to hold me like this forever. My feelings of love for her were still raw after all. 

"I'm deeply sorry for everything I've done. I'm an asshole. I should have told you. I should have been there for you. I'm not good at loving. I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you. I didn't want us to end this way, but we will meet again," Lisa finished in a whisper.

It took everything in me to not take her back. I nodded my head, coldly staring at her. She pulls me into a hug, but I didn't hug her back. I was tempted to. She pulled away for a quick second, before kissing my forehead. I froze in spot not sparing her any reaction. She sighs and leaves.

I watched Lisa grab her things and go outside. I held the door open for Regina as she went out without saying a word. 

I went back upstairs, sitting next to my son. This isn't fair to Alex. It's not fair at all. He deserves to have both of his parents in the picture. I can't imagine how hard it'll be to explain why daddy only gets to see him on weekends.

I guess it's just me and Alex for now. I hate how our story ended, but perhaps we'll make a new one, even though it was Her Intentions.


say it with me FUCK LISA!

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