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This story is adapted from the original story 'Her Intentions' by Sabrinaa728. This is just an adaptation! All rights belong to the original owner.

Enjoy and thank you for reading :)


Jennie's POV

It's been a month since the whole Kai thing happened. Lisa was more understanding once I told her what actually happened, but in her eyes, I saw pure guilt. I was worried and wanted to know why she looked that way, but she's been really occupied with work.

I'm almost nine months pregnant, which means the baby can decide to come out at any time. We found out that we're having a boy, and we're planning on naming him Alexandro, after my grandfather. 

We're still in the process of moving into our new house. So far, we've got two bedrooms done and Alexandro's nursery. 

I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist, letting me know Lisa was awake. She kissed my neck, which led to her pulling her pants down. 

"Lisa not right now, I'm cooking. You might make me burn the food," I say as I flip a pancake. 

Lisa kept kissing my neck, rubbing her crotch between my thighs. I tried to ignore the feeling she was giving me. 

I put another pancake in the pan, taking the cooked one out. I felt Lisa's left hand leave my waist, traveling to the inside of my thighs. 

"Baby, just give me two more minutes to cook this last pancake, and then we'll have our alone time, okay?" As soon as those words left my mouth, Lisa groaned, ripping her arms away from me. 

Someone's moody.

I shrugged and started back making the rest of breakfast. After I got the last pancake out, I put Lisa's eggs in and made her an omelet. 

"Lisa come here please!" I say, putting her food on the plate. I didn't hear footsteps, indicating that she wasn't coming. 

I finished making my plate before heading up the stairs to give Lisa her plate. I took three steps and was already tired. As I stepped on the last step, I felt something wet running down my legs. 

My water just broke

"LISA, THE BABY!" I yelled, dropping the plate I was previously carrying. 

"Please come here, I need help!" I say, crying out to her.

Still no reply

"You motherfucker! I cannot believe this right now! At least give me my phone so I can call someone!" I shout out, not wanting to argue with her anymore. 

She came out throwing the phone at me while she was looking down at her phone, almost hitting me in the face. "What the fu-" I start to say but she leaves through the door where she came from cutting me off. I took a breather to calm myself, I can't be giving birth here.

 I dialed my mom's number. 

"Hello?" My mother spoke.

"Mamá, I need help! My water just broke and it hurts so bad!" I say, crying to my mother. 

"Calm down for a moment and your dad and I will be there shortly," my mother says, taking deep breaths with me.

About 2 minutes later, I see someone pull into my driveway. My parents have a key to my house, so they come in, running towards the stairs to get me. 

My dad picked me up, and I started crying out of pain. He took me to his car, placing me in the backseat. He stayed with me until my mother came out with the hospital bag. She got in and immediately started driving. 

The next 5 minutes were painful. Contractions start to hit me as soon as we got to the hospital. 

My dad took me in, and I was immediately transferred to a room. By the time we reached the room, I was dilated by 9 centimeters.

"Push Jen, you got this."


"Ow, I can't push anymore!"


"She isn't responding!"


Lisa's POV

This morning, I found out I had another baby on the way. Regina told me that ever since my night with her, she's been having pregnancy symptoms. 

I wanted to get my mind off of it, and I knew that sleeping with Jen wouldn't make it better, but I thought of it as my only solution. When she rejected me, I felt a rush of anger.

I know I should've helped her when she said her water broke but I was so paralyzed and overwhelmed by the message I had just received from Regina.

R- Hey, this is Regina from the bar.

G- Oh, didn't recognize the number. How are you?

R- I've been better. So, I texted you because I've been having pregnancy symptoms ever since that time. I took a pregnancy test, and it came back positive.

Right after I received that text, I blocked her immediately, deleting the chat. 

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear my phone ringing. I grab it to see it's from Jen. I declined the call but received a voicemail shortly after. 

"Lisa, this is Jennie's mom. Jen is having trouble with the birth right now, and we're being told she might not make it. It would be nice to for you get here as soon as possible. Have a good day."

I rush to find my keys, running down the stairs to get to my girlfriend. I was so scared of her finding out the truth, that I didn't even consider her telling me her water broke. 

I get into my car and speed out of the driveway. I missed the birth of my child. I don't think Jen will want anything to do with me. 

This is all my fault.



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