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This story is adapted from the original story 'Her Intentions' by Sabrinaa728. This is just an adaptation! All rights belong to the original owner.

Enjoy and thank you for reading :)


Lisa's POV

"I-I love you," I said as I waited for an answer. 

Jennie looked shocked and I looked at her lips to see her trying to make out words. 

"I love you too Lisa," Jennie said. 

"Haha, I said it first," I said while jumping up and down. She laughed at my excitement and tiptoed up to kiss me. 

"Are you ready to go out there?" She nodded her head to my question. 

She walked in front of me reaching for the door, but I grabbed her wrist and pecked her lips. 

She smiled and opened the door leading me to the living room. I looked around to see that everyone was now calm, and Suzy and Kai were nowhere to be found. 

Everyone looked at both of us, and we waited for someone to interrupt this deafening silence. 

"You guys have already met her before but this is my girlfriend Lisa," Jennie said with a smile. 

I saw smiles from a few people and others were looking me up and down. A woman that looked to be in her late forties stood and started walking toward me with a smile. 

"Welcome to the family, Lisa, I'm Celine," The woman said laced with a thick Hispanic accent.

"Let's get the game night started," Jennie's mother said as everyone gathered around the coffee table.

I stood there for a moment not wanting to interrupt their family bonding time. Jennie gestured for me to come over to her and I did. 

I sat down next to her, and she placed her hand on my thigh. I put my hands on top of hers interlocking our fingers. I saw her smile. We started playing charades and her mother was first up.

I thought about the fact that Jennie and her mother look identical. I bet if they were ever in public, people would mistake them for sisters. There were places on her face that resembled her father, but you'd have to pay close attention to both of them to recognize it. 

Her mother pulled a card from the deck and tried to come up with an action she could do. She sat on the floor and acted as if she was driving a car. 

"A taxi person?" She shook her head no. 

"Uber?" Another head shakes. 

I thought for a second. "A race car driver?" She nodded her head. 

"Good job baby," Jennie said. I smiled and hugged her. 

"Well Lisa it's your turn," Celine said while gesturing toward the cards.

I stood and walked over to the card stack. I pulled a car that read "playing the piano." I looked around the room and landed my eyes on a piano. I went over to it and began to play 'Je Te Laisserai Des Mot' by Patrick Watson.

I started humming the lyrics to the song and started to forget about the game. 

I finished the song and took a deep breath. I opened my eyes remembering I was in a room full of people. I looked around and saw some had smiles while others were in awe and shock.

"Sorry I got carried away," I said nervously. 

"Piano!" A kid screamed at me making me jump. 

I nodded my head and got up from the piano. I headed back to my girlfriend to see her deep in thought. 

"You can play the piano?" Was all she asked. I nodded my head. 

"Yeah, but I stopped playing recently," I said playing with my fingernails.

"God that's a turn on" she whispered in my ear, making my pants feel tighter. 

"Behave Jen" I whispered while putting my hand on my crotch. 

"And if I don't?" My girlfriend voiced with a smirk. I got even harder.

"Just wait until everyone is asleep and we're the only ones awake. Make sure to be quiet for me princesse." I said mirroring her smirk. Her face turned red, and I watched the family still guessing the action.


It is now a few hours later and boy am I tired. Everyone is cleaning up the games, and from what I've been feeling, everyone is welcoming and comforting, which I like a lot. Her family was so nice to me and made me feel at home. 

I learned some of their names but it's hard to keep up when everyone kind of looked the same. She has three sisters and two brothers. She's the youngest of them all which made them really overprotective of her. 

"Hey baby I'm going to head to bed, are you coming?" Jennie asked while yawning. I nodded and followed her lead. 

I entered the room and took off my shirt and pants leaving me in my sports bra and underwear. I climbed in bed with Jennie wrapping my arms around her waist while I kissed the back of her neck. 

"Goodnight beautiful, I love you" I whispered not expecting a response thinking she already fell asleep. 

"Goodnight handsome, I love you too," she said half asleep.

Her Intentions (JenLisa Adaptation)Where stories live. Discover now