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This story is adapted from the original story 'Her Intentions' by Sabrinaa728. This is just an adaptation! All rights belong to the original owner.

Enjoy and thank you for reading :)


Lisa's POV

It's been a long month. One long month. Jen is now five months pregnant. She has been more hormonal than usual, but that's okay, anything for amore mio.

Jen is currently in the bedroom sleeping. We're supposed to be looking for houses by now, but she decided she wanted to go tomorrow and use today as a rest day. I laugh to myself.

She's been saying we'll go tomorrow for the past week.

Our gender reveal is tomorrow and I'm kind of nervous to find out the gender. Jisoo and Rosé have been getting the gender reveal ready. They've been getting pretty close. Hopefully, Rosé can finally settle down with someone who won't cheat on her. 

I walk into the bedroom and gently shake awake my sleeping girlfriend. She groans and whispers something I can't understand. 

"Baby wake up. You've been sleeping for the past 3 hours, and I'm starting to think you're dead," I said to her. 

"I'll wake up when I'm ready," she said in response. 

I pull the cover off of Jen and pick her up. She lightly pushes away my face.

"Noo please" she groans.

"It's okay amore mio, sleep more in the car, okay?" I say carrying her out to the car and went back inside to lock the door. 

I start the car and drove off, putting in the location of the house. It had 5 bedrooms and 5 and a half bathrooms.

We looked around and decided to look for another house

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We looked around and decided to look for another house. We drove to the second location which had 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. 

We looked inside and Jen immediately fell in love

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We looked inside and Jen immediately fell in love. We determined that the room beside ours would be the nursery. I got a phone call and left the room to answer. 

"Hello?" I said, waiting for a response. 

"Good afternoon Ms. Manoban. I'm sorry for disturbing, but do you mind coming in for a meeting?" The person on the other end of the phone said.

"Yes, I'll be there right away," I said, hanging up. I went back to the room to see Jen still looking around. 

"Baby, we have to go. I have a meeting to get to," I said and earned a frown.

"This is the problem. You're always working and never have enough time for me and the baby," Jen said pouting. 

I huffed and turned around, heading toward my car. I waited for Jen to join me in the car, but she never did. I look at my watch. I guess I'll have to leave her for now I thought as I drove off.


The next day

Jen and I are getting ready for our gender reveal. She isn't talking to me after what I did yesterday. She even made me sleep on the couch. I deserved that.

"Lisa, stop moving around," my girlfriend said grabbing my hands, and making me stop in place. 

"Sorry, I'm just really nervous right now. What do you think we're having?" I ask, trying to get my mind off of the fact that Jen will be meeting my family. 

"Hmm, I think and want it to be a girl, you?" Jen said.

"Always team boy; girls are just too much to handle and don't get me started on periods," I said, scrunching my nose up. 

I heard a phone ring and look over to see Jen's phone going off. I went over to the nightstand and looked to see 'No Caller ID'.

"Hello?" I say, wondering who's on the other side of the call.

"Listen, Jen, I'm sorry for cheating, okay? It was a mistake, and I didn't mean to. I'll be at the baby shower with Suzy." And with that, the person hung up.

I ignored Jen's question 'Who was it?' And went to call Minnie and tell her to meet me at my apartment. I then texted Jisoo and Rosé and told them to push back the date of the gender reveal. I started putting on my black leather jacket when my girlfriend spoke. 

"Where are you going? The gender reveal is in an hour Lisa," Jen said clearly confused. 

"I'm going to handle business.""

Her Intentions (JenLisa Adaptation)Where stories live. Discover now