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This story is adapted from the original story 'Her Intentions' by Sabrinaa728. This is just an adaptation! All rights belong to the original owner.

Enjoy and thank you for reading :)


Jennie's POV

I miss Lisa so much; however, I don't think I can forgive her for what she did. I was devastated when Kai did it, but with her, it's a different level of heartbreak. I mean we were only dating for a few months but in that tiny period, I was able to find my happiness. 

When I was the photos, I broke down. I completely stopped caring for myself. I was catching an attitude with the people that I love the most which is something I never do. I didn't eat for days, even weeks. I still don't eat as much yet; I try to eat a piece of bread.

I was in the middle of a conversation with my parents when I received the pictures. Of course, they asked me what was wrong, but I couldn't stop sobbing. All I could think was 'How could she do this to me?'

Jisoo and my parents wanted to get me out of the house so, here we are, boarding a flight to Georgia. Most of my family lives there. We always come around for the holidays and sometimes, they come to Texas. 

I got the window seat because my parents and Jisoo knew I enjoy taking pictures. Next to me, Jisoo sat along with my mother. My dad went to the vacant chair behind us.

I looked up and saw someone who looked similar to Lisa. I didn't want to freak out about it being her only to realize it wasn't. 

Whoever this person was, they took a seat behind us. I could feel their eyes trained on me from the crevice of the seat. 

I pulled out my phone and acted as if I was taking a picture of myself but in reality, I was trying to see who this person was. I swiped over to the camera and rose the phone up and to my surprise, it was Lisa staring at me through my phone. 

My smile dropped as my anxiety started to rise. I quickly turned the phone off and stood up excusing myself from the seats. 

I headed toward the bathroom only to see Lisa standing as well. My pace got quicker and so did hers. I opened the bathroom door and ran in. Just as I was about to close it, Lisa put her foot between the door and the wall. 

"Please stop Lisa. You and I both know what you did was wrong" I said as I felt my eyes tear up. 

"Baby, please stop doing this to me. I did no such thing amore mio. It's all just a big misunderstanding. Please let me come in" Lisa pleaded.

Slowly, I allowed her to come into the bathroom. She shut the door making sure to lock it behind her. 

"Those pictures were from the day I met you. Her name is Irene, and she was one of my old assistants. We started dating for a bit until we realized we were just in a relationship for sex. We became friends with benefits but when I got with you, that all changed and so did she." After Lisa said that I immediately felt guilty for giving up on her without even trying to talk it out. 

"I..." my words drifted off, "I'm sorry Lisa. I should've talked to you before I completely ruined our relationship. I'm just so used to being cheated on, but I promise I'll work on it." I said while tears threatened to spill from my eyes. 

Lisa grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss. I closed my eyes, letting a few tears leave my eyes. Our lips moved at the same pace, slow but passionate. I pulled away and took a deep breath. Lisa gently placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Look at me," Lisa said in a soft tone. I instantly looked up at her. 

"I would never cheat on you, okay?" I nodded my head, and she engulfed me in a hug.

At this moment it was just me and her. The smell of a Winter Candy Apple body gel from Bath & Body Works filled my nose. On my tiptoes, I reached up to give her a quick kiss.

"As much as I enjoy your presence, I have to get back to my seat before my parents get worried and think I went to sleep on the toilet." I heard her groan making me chuckle. 

I moved passed her, unlocked the door, and went back to my seat to find my sleeping mother and best friend. 

Just as I was about to move into my seat, I felt Lisa grab my ass making me look back at her. She whispered for me to go back to the bathroom. 

I knew what was going to happen if I went back so I shook my head no, earning a frown from her. I sighed and went back toward the bathroom.

I left the door open for her and she came in and immediately started kissing me.

Oh god. 

Her Intentions (JenLisa Adaptation)Where stories live. Discover now