Chapter Twenty-Five

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"The purposes of a person's heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out." – Proverbs 20:5

Trestles continued to fire the rest of the day. The gang surfed sunrise to sunset, only coming into shore to get some food or to take a quick break. Everyone's legs were sore and arms throbbing long before the sun fully disappeared behind the horizon. They were parched, hungry, and exhausted; but it was worth it. As soon as the locals had watched Alana take off on that set wave, she had no problem earning her spot in the lineup. The locals soon warmed up to the rest of the gang as well. They were having the time of their lives—this was one day they didn't want to end.

During a lull in one of the sets, Alana found herself shading her eyes from the glare of the setting sun, which shone with full force on the water. It lit up the sky in a rainbow of colors, from pink to blue to orange. It was breathtakingly beautiful, the way the colors reflected on the water and illuminated the glassy waves.

She reached out and trailed her hand across the placid water. If it was any clearer, she could probably see her reflection. She leaned closer and let the fringes of her hair touch the surface.

Alana heard a splash of water and glanced up. The sun was so blinding that she could barely make out a silhouette moving towards her. The nose of a surfboard suddenly bumped against her leg.

"Alana," he said.

She realized they had drifted apart from the rest of the gang. Normally, she would have paddled back into position, but she feared that the slightest movement would disturb the pristine conditions. Dipping her hand into the cool water, she said, "It's beautiful."

A lock of hair tumbled over her shoulders, but before she could fix it, he reached out and tucked it behind her ear.

"You're right," he said, "it is beautiful."

They drifted a few feet apart, admiring the colors enflamed across the sky. Finally, Alana turned sideways, out of the blinding sun, and stared at him.

It was Cole. Without another word, he caught the next wave that came their way and rode it all the way into shore. As the last rays of the sun slowly dissolved into the dark mass of the sea, Alana reached up and touched the lock of hair that had been tucked behind her ear. What just happened?

Once the waves became too dark to see, the remaining surfers in the lineup scrambled to catch a final ride. Alana was exhausted by the time she made it into shore. It had been a full and satisfying day of surfing. To top things off, Trevor invited the gang to a beach bonfire. He promised them free food, which drew the guys in right away, and also promised that he and his friends had plenty of flashlights, which helped ease Alana's and Maya's fears about walking down the uninhabited beach trail to their vehicles in the dead of night.

Though the gang had brought a sufficient amount of water to the beach to ease their parched throats, they were running low on snacks. They were relieved when Trevor said he had brought five boxes of pizza and the necessary ingredients for s'mores.

Trevor took turns mingling between his group of friends and the Ventura gang as they sat around a blazing bonfire in the sand. Alana had taken off her wetsuit a half hour ago, but her hair and skin were still a tad wet. She draped her towel around her shoulders and scooted closer to the fire. As she swept her gaze over her friends' smiling faces, she realized Cole was the only one who had a faraway look in his eyes. Something stirred in the pit of her stomach, and she quickly glanced away. She couldn't bear to look Cole in the eye. Every time she did, the butterflies in her stomach became raging hornets.

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