Chapter Thirteen

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"The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice." – Proverbs 12:15

Flicking on his blinker, Cole pulled off PCH into a small parking lot buzzing with activity. A sign positioned at the entrance read Topanga State Beach. Swerving around a Mini Cooper idling near the curb, he pulled into a parking spot and put his Volkswagen into first gear. He turned the key in the ignition and hopped out.

Above his head, white clouds billowed across the vibrant blue sky. He stood on his tiptoes and peered above the cars in the lot to get a better look at his surroundings. To his left, he could see the rugged strip of coast fringed by a stretch of sand and the blue-green ocean.

  To his left, he could see the rugged strip of coast fringed by a stretch of sand and the blue-green ocean

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"How's it look?" Blaine asked, coming up next to Cole.

"Pretty crowded, but there are plenty of waves to go around. The swell is definitely fading, though."

Blaine nodded. "At least it was good while it lasted. I hear a new west swell is going to peak over the next couple days."

"Nice." Cole could feel his frustration over Alana and Taylor slipping away as he studied the breaking waves off in the distance. Now that they were all running on full stomachs, surfing seemed like a pretty good idea. Cole stretched his arms and realized they were still sore, though not as bad as that morning. He gave his brother a grin. "Wanna hit the water?"

"Yes!" Cole could tell by Blaine's tone of voice that he was hungry for waves. The twins quickly suited up and waxed their boards. They were ready to go in record time, with the rest of the gang hot on their heels. As soon as the vehicles were closed and locked, the six of them dashed to the beach.

They jogged across a long stretch of sand bordered by a rocky shoreline. A nice little set rolled around the point, providing some crumbly but fun two-footers. A decent-sized lineup was positioned beyond the breaking waves.

After a short paddle around the impact zone, Cole plopped down on his shortboard and adjusted his leash. He sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. It was time to relax and put his mind at ease. He was tired of all this girl drama. So, with his face turned towards the bright sun and his arms resting on his thighs, he closed his eyes and relaxed. His feet drew lazy circles in the water while small ripples lapped at his surfboard.

"Hey, Cole!"

He groaned. "What?" he sighed, reluctantly opening his eyes and turning to face the person who had so rudely interrupted his relaxation.

"Hey," Alana said brightly, casually stroking over to him. Her hands rested on the nose of her shortboard.

"Hi," he said dully.

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