Chapter Twelve

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"For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light." – Luke 8:17

After everyone in the gang got a long, much-needed night of sleep, they ate a quick breakfast of bagels and fruit while deciding their next plan of action. Since no one was feeling quite up to surfing after being in the water all day yesterday, they agreed to go with Maya's plan and check out Paradise Cove. The promise of eating lunch at the seaside Beach Café was appealing, so by eleven o'clock everyone was packed and ready to go.

They arrived at Paradise Cove in less than five minutes. Since the sun was shining and a few small waves were lapping the shore, the beach was already thrumming with activity. Tourists were spread out on towels and walking the pier. Kids splashed in the water and collected seashells near the shoreline. It was a picturesque setting of the perfect beach day.

            "Alright!" Jake exclaimed as soon as they pulled into the parking lot

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"Alright!" Jake exclaimed as soon as they pulled into the parking lot. "Food, here we come!"

However, by the time they reached the Paradise Cove Beach Café, they were bummed to see a long line streaming out the door. It seemed like the Beach Café was the spot to grab a bite to eat, and nearly everyone within a quarter-mile radius was eager to get lunch.

"Dang it," Blaine muttered as the gang hesitantly got into line. "I guess we have to wait." He flagged down a waiter that was rounding the corner and asked him how the line was going to take.

"About half an hour, maybe twenty minutes," the waiter said, smiling apologetically.

Blaine frowned. "Great. What should we do now?"

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I don't really feel like eating another PB&J sandwich," Alana said, making a face. "Let's just wait it out. It'll be worth it." She glanced around the group. Everyone nodded his or her head in agreement.

"How about this?" Maya suggested. "Let's do rock-paper-scissors to see who gets to stand in line and who doesn't."

The looks of confusion crossing their faces prompted Maya to continue. "Look, what if only one of us waited in line while the others took a walk on the beach? It would help pass the time. Every ten minutes someone else can trade places with the person waiting in line. It would go much faster."

"Sure. I'm up for it." Alana held out her hands, ready to battle Maya in a game of rock-paper-scissors. She ended up beating her two out of three times, securing Alana's freedom. By the time everyone had battled it out, Cole was left as the unhappy person forced to hold the gang's spot in line.

"This is stupid," he muttered, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why do I have to be the one who stands in line?"

"Because you lost," Maya deadpanned. "Don't worry, I'll switch out with you in ten minutes."

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