Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you." – Isaiah 43:2

Cole groaned as a ray of light streamed in through the window. Squinting through the brightness, he groggily sat up and realized he was in bed—more importantly, someone else's bed. He didn't recognize the room at all. Rubbing his eyes, he stared groggily at his surroundings for a few minutes. What was with his pounding headache? It was like he was having a hangover—

Uh oh. The events of last night suddenly came tumbling to the forefront of his mind. As the fog in his brain cleared, he remembered bits of pieces of what had happened, mainly drinking and arguing. He had also let Taylor get the upper hand. Glancing over at her sleeping figure next to him, he realized this had been her plan all along. As soon as she saw him step through the door last night, she had taken advantage of the situation. Cole had just been stupid enough to fall for it.

He quietly untangled himself from the covers and stepped off the bed. His jeans were twisted awkwardly on his hips, and he struggled to straighten them back. His T-shirt, too, was matted and crumpled. Everything after taking shots at the counter was a hazy blur.

He found his sweatshirt and flip-flops scattered around the room. Being careful not to wake Taylor, he slipped on his remaining clothes and prepared to leave. This was the first night he had ever spent with her, and—as he saw her sleeping form concealed underneath the covers—he realized he never wanted to spend another like it.

He froze when Taylor shifted in bed. His mind debated which would be quicker—making a run through the door and down the stairs, or climbing out the window. He didn't have long to make a decision, though, as Taylor raised her head and gazed sleepily around the room.

"Cole?" she asked groggily. "What are you..."

She paused. Her eyes narrowed. He was caught red handed, and there was nothing he could do about it. In any other situation, he might have laughed at the lunacy of it all—Taylor's matted bedhead and smeared makeup, and the look of complete annoyance on both their faces due to their hangovers—but this was no laughing matter.

"You have got to be kidding me, Cole Anderson," Taylor growled, sitting up in bed. "You're sneaking out on me! I can't believe you would do this!"

He winced. With every word, her voice grew louder and clearer.

"You come to my house, to my party, and after I find you and share some drinks with you, you treat me like—like—this! I forgave you for what you said to me, Cole. Have you ever thought about that? I should have kicked you out of my house when I saw you sneak in. You never—"

"So why didn't you?" Cole interrupted, partially fed up with her and partially wanting her high-pitched voice to cease for the sake of his pounding head. He crossed his arms over his chest. "Why didn't you kick me out?"

Taylor was caught off guard by the question. "Because...well...I guess I thought you were coming back for me. I thought you liked me." She let out a dry laugh. "I guess I was wrong."

"Look, Tay," Cole sighed, "maybe I used to like you, but there's nothing going on between us anymore. I've moved on. Maybe you should too."

"That doesn't explain why you were here last night, does it?"

Now it was his turn to be caught off guard. "I had a fight with Blaine," he lied. It was the first excuse that came into his head. "I just took off without thinking. I was on my way home to my house, not yours, but I was broke and needed something to eat. I didn't want to have an argument with my dad, so I stopped by your place to get some food. That's when you found me."

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