Chapter Sixteen

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"Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." – Colossians 3:13

Palm trees overshadowed the glowing streetlights. Buildings loomed up on both sides of the street. Cole knew he was nearing the focal point of Surf City, Huntington Beach. He grinned when the pier itself finally came into view. A red building could be clearly seen on the end of the pier, with a large sign reading, Ruby's Diner.

"Bingo." He nodded his head towards the restaurant, and Alana followed his gaze. Her expression brightened.

            The streets were packed with cars, whether parked or waiting at red lights

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The streets were packed with cars, whether parked or waiting at red lights. The intersections were flooded with surfers and tourists crossing the street. Cole had to circle the block a few times before he finally found a metered parking spot. He paid enough quarters for two hours' time. Afterwards, Alana helped him place all the surfboards inside the van. He made sure his precious Volkswagen was locked before joining Alana in the walk to the pier.

They felt like tourists amidst the crowds of people. Some were walking home from work, while others were navigating through the throngs of people on beach cruisers. Cole smiled when he spotted a few surfers, still dripping wet, holding their shortboards underneath their arms.

Though he was still a bit lightheaded from not eating, he wished the walk across Huntington Pier would last longer. He was in no rush to get to Ruby's. It seemed like he and Alana were only inches apart, their hands dangling at their sides next to each other. But Cole knew he had to take this slowly.

His lips curved up into a soft smile when Alana darted over to the side of the pier. Cole joined her over at the railing, and they watched some surfers carve up the beautiful Huntington waves.

"The swell's definitely at its peak," Alana said. "I can't wait to go surfing tomorrow."

"Me too."

His stomach suddenly growled with hunger, causing Alana to burst out laughing. "Sorry, we should probably head over to Ruby's now," she said. "I forgot you needed to eat."

After a short walk, they reached the end of the pier, where they promptly placed themselves at the back of the line for Ruby's and scanned the menu hungrily. As soon as it was their turn to be seated, they followed a waiter to the inside of the restaurant. He led them to a booth sandwiched between a family with sulking teenagers and another booth with a young couple. Alana and Cole slid in across from each other, and the waiter handed each of them a menu. "Can I start you off with anything to drink?" he asked.

After the waiter took their orders and left, Cole cleared his throat and glanced around the restaurant. They had a window seat that faced the south side of the pier, so they sat in silence for a few minutes, quietly watching the surfers.

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