Chapter One

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"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." – Lamentations 3:22-23

The sound of crashing waves roused Alana from her sleep. With her eyes still closed, she smiled and let the monotonous swoosh of the tide soothe her awake. She held her breath and counted the seconds between each breaking wave—one, two, three, four, crash! Her eyes quickly shot open when she realized the swell was much bigger than she had previously thought.

Suddenly feeling wide awake, Alana tossed her covers off and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She strode over to the window and pulled the curtains aside, allowing a gracious view of the ocean. As the hazy morning light trickled into her bedroom, she leaned forward and pushed one of the panes open for an even better view.

She rested her elbows on the sill and swept her gaze over the surroundings. The ocean glittered like a million crystals in the sunlight. It stretched as far as the eye could see, from the short palm tree-studded outcropping of land on the right all the way to the barnacle-encrusted pilings of Ventura Pier on the left. Alana breathed deeply and took a long whiff of the salty sea breeze drifting past her window.

            Her attention was diverted from the open ocean to the thundering whitewater closer to shore

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Her attention was diverted from the open ocean to the thundering whitewater closer to shore. Every minute or so, a new set would appear on the horizon as an oncoming bump of water. As soon as the seafloor became too shallow for the waves' height, the peaks would snap over and break all the way down the beach in a flurry of whitewater.

The surf forecast had predicted the swell would peak overnight, but it never guaranteed the waves to be this good. They were easily four foot, with glassy conditions and lots of open shoulders. Alana knew then and there it was going to be an awesome day.

Quickly closing her window, she dashed over to her dresser and began rifling through a stash of bikinis. After shimmying out of her pajamas and pulling on a swimsuit, she brushed out her long, sun-bleached hair. She then pulled a cover-up dress over her head and rushed out the door.

Alana suddenly paused at the top of the stairs. She cocked her head to one side and heard Tammy, her little sister, snoring from her bedroom only a few yards away. After a moment's deliberation, Alana retraced her steps and quietly pushed Tammy's bedroom door open.

Tammy's petite figure could be seen sprawled on top of her covers, her face turned to one side while her long blonde hair lay in a tangled knot on top of her head. Alana stifled a giggle and rapped loudly on the door. "Hey!" she whispered. When Tammy didn't stir, Alana knocked louder and flipped on the light for good measure.

The snoring abruptly stopped. Tammy grunted and raised her head, her eyes blinking uncertainly in the blinding light. "Alana," she groaned, her voice thick with exhaustion. "What time is it?"

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