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Avinash woke up and saw his girl sleeping next to her. He stare at her sometime and then woke up and went to freshen up. After a while he drove his car and directly went to his office. It was the first time Avinash had gone to office without meeting her and without taking her. Ishika woke up after sometime and saw Avinash was not there.She got ready. she was wearing a simple yellow suit and then went to the kitchen thinking he must have gone to his gym. She asked sheena to prepare breakfast and she herself was making coffee.

"maan sir had already left for office you don't have to make coffee" Sheena said.

"no no Sheena he must be in gym" Ishika smiled saying this.

"Maan he just left an hour before infront of me" Sheena said and ishika stopped making coffee.

"Fine then i am also going to office" saying this she took her purse and left for the office.

At office.

Ishika kept her bag in her cabin and directly went to Avinash.

she slammed he door open and saw Avinash using his hone.Avinsh looked at her and he could not stop looking at her.

"MERI JAAN " he whishpered under his breath.

Avinash looked up to see Ishika in a furious mood. He knew she was angry.But he couldnot ruin the surprise that he had planned for her so he still decided to talk less with her.

"Why didyou come without taking me?"

"I had a meeting and you were sleeping"

"ohh can't you just wake me up"

"yes but" befre he could say anything Dev came and caled Avinash and Ishika for meeting.

Avinash quickly got up and went to meeting hall.After an hour the meeting was finally over. During the whole meeting Avinash could feel Ishika glaring at him.He knew that she was angry.

He soon came back to his office and was lost in his thought.

Yesterday when Dev and I were talking , Dev suddenly asked me that Did i propose her for marriage or not. I replied with no. At this moment I didnot wanted to get married but Dev said that i can propose her now and we can get married whenever we want.I thought it was an good idea so I decided to  propose her for marriage. I have planed a date for us and there I will propose her for marriage. I know she is the one for  me. Only one for me. I remembered how she was there even after knowing everything. She did not leave me . I knew that she will only be the one and only.Suddenly the door opened and Avinash came out of his thought.

"Sir you have another meeting in 20 minutes" saying this Ishika left.

Avinash could feel how angry she is.

After the meeting Avinash called Ishika in his office.

"Jaan we will be going home together but before that we have to go somewhere"

"ohh you remembered I am also here" she taunted him.

"Jaan go and pack your things we will be going in 20 minutes"
"no i  will go the way i had came here. You don't have to come with me"
"Jaan I had an important meeting at morning so I came here early"
"whatever" she said.

After 20 minutes.

Then were sitting in the car. Ishika was using her phone and Avinash was driving. He took a turn and was driving in the the other direction.Soon the car stopped infront to a hotel.

"i will wait in the car , you go and do your work"she saidwithout looking at her.

"The work is incomplete without you" he said with a sile.

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