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You know that moment when you are watching a movie trailer or video game playthrough on YouTube or a book on Wattpad, then you go to the comments and see this-

"At the end of this game/movie/book the world blows up and everybody dies.
Oh yeah, spoiler btw."


It's so enraging when these idiots put the spoiler warning at the end of the freaking comment.

Do you think I read the comments backwards? It doesn't matter if you tell someone it's a spoiler once you already told them the spoiler!

They will know it's a spoiler when they-
1. Didn't previously know that said situation was going to happen.
2. Have probably the whole story ruined for them, or an important part.

Usually, this happens if the story ends badly in some way, or a character dies. What I think happens is, people hate the thing that happens so much and go trying to ruin the show for everyone further than it would've been if they found out the thing that happens themselves.

These are the stages of viewing a spoiler-

1. Anger
You read the comment and ask yourself; Why did they put the freaking spoiler alert at the end of the comment?!

2. Denial
No, no, no, no, nononononono,
This can't possibly happen!

3. Ignorance
Completely ignoring that you saw it and go on as normal with quite a bit of paranoia.

4. Watching/reading and hoping
You continue to watch/read the story and hope for the best, trying to point out all reasons why the spoiler is a lie and can't happen.

5. Acceptance
You run into the same spoiler a few more times, you realize that all these people couldn't lie and say the exact same thing. You might look up things pertaining to the spoiler. You accept it and lose all hope.

6. Depression
I can't believe this is happening...

The next part is different for different people.

7. Attempting to forget
You are so distraught by the ending/other thing that you really don't want to happen, that you stop watching the show/reading the book entirely, you try to ignore it and completely put it out of your mind. You either stop watching it or thinking about it entirely and start to forget, or you give into curiosity and go back to watching the show/reading the book anyway, regardless of the inevitable pain it will cause.

7. (Other option) Continuing
You continue watching/reading it in hopes that some magic will happen and the whole thing was a lie. You still deny and come up with reasons it can't happen.

8. Pain
You reach the end/part you didn't want to happen. You find it wasn't a lie. Your emotions are shattered as you have to watch the thing you've been denying so long actually happening.

9. (Might happen) Luck
You find the whole the was a lie, regardless of the spoilers you saw, you continue to watch/ read the story (unless at the end) and you are content (until something worse happens at least, or you are sad because the book/show ended.)

I had no idea viewing a spoiler was so complicated until I made that. Is that accurate, or do I just care way too much about fictional worlds?

Anyway, I also hate when people make fake spoilers. There are two kinds-

One is, someone pretending to ruin an important part in the story, such as this-

"In the end of the story everybody dies besides the protagonist because he goes crazy and murders everyone. ~Spoiler~"

When in reality, everyone lives (except maybe a few people) and that doesn't really happen. Some people mean this as a joke (not that you can tell most of the time) but it's still meant to send the reader on a panic trip.

The second kind is, say you are watching The Walking Dead, and someone comments this-

"Spoiler- There are zombies in this."

This one I don't mind too much because it doesn't do any harm, usually they say something extremely obvious and say it's a spoiler as a joke, but I still panic whenever I see anything beginning (or ending, as I went over earlier) with "Spoiler."

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