1. Starting With You.

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"Hey Taerin! Are you ready?!" My friend exclaimed through the speaker. I was busy putting on my clothes.

"Yeah, I am! I'm so excited to finally go to one of my favourite group's concert for real!" I replied as I stretched out my arms out of my t-shirt. I grabbed my phone walking out to the living room.

"I'm going to come pick you up soon so you better be ready." She chuckled as I heard her click the elevator button. I was rushing up, packing my essentials.

I was a big fan of BTS and I always wanted to save up to see one of their concerts, which I am doing today. I'd say this would be one of the biggest moments in my life.

Jin was my bias in the group. Just the way he brings laughter in the group makes me laugh and have fun aswell.

I looked at myself in the mirror and straightened up my jacket. I smiled, clenching my hand into a fist. I'm ready!

Then Jimun rang on the doorbell. I went to go open it and she let herself in. She sat on the couch whilst waiting for me to finish up. "Your new house is exceptionally well placed now." She said, glancing around the living room.

"I'm trying my best heh." I added, putting on my shoes. "Let's go?" I asked and she hopped out of the couch to unlock the car. I then locked the door behind me before joining Jimun in the car.

I put on my seatbelt and we blasted out the radio with BTS songs. My favourite song from them was House Of Cards. Just something about that song was majestic and thrilling.

"How far is it by the way?" I questioned Jimun as she stopped at a red light.

"Not far to be honest. Around a 45 minute drive from here." She tapped on the wheel and then continued driving after the light turned back to green.

"If Jin could notice me..That'd be incredible. I think I wouldn't be able to sleep really." I bursted out into laughter, taking a look on my phone.

"Same here but with Jimin!" She squealed. "WE'RE COMING BTS!" She yelled as the windows started rolling down. The wind was at a fast pace as it blew past my face.


We made it to the stadium and parked the car. As we stepped out, the stadium was bigger than expected. I could even imagine myself zoomed out compared to it. It was spectacular indeed.

We rushed quickly to the entrance and showed out tickets and received a lanyard in exchange. I made sure my phone had enough battery for the whole concert.

The stage was being prepared and me and Jimun went to go explore for our seats that were assigned to us. We were at the back for the first part and then we'd move to the front afterwards. Jimun also produced with the stage crew for the K-Pop industry.

But thing was, I bought the ticket before she came to me with VIP tickets..Or more like front row. So she talked with the crew and said we could move after the first part.

"Gosh..I feel nervous all of a sudden." I placed my hand on my chest whilst I looked at Jimun.

"This is your dream!" Jimun smiled, inteoducing the whole place. More and more people started filling it up.

"It sure is!" I couldn't stop moving around in my seat.

Then when the gates began to close..A few minutes went by before BTS actually came on stage. Everyone was screaming intently of course but BTS were really there in front of my eyes!

"JIN!!" I screamed, waving with my lightstick. I saw the whole group wave at the audience..I watched them with awe on my face. But beside me, Jimun was nowhere to be seen..She didn't even say anything. I supposed that she was talking with the production crew or something.

They had been singing Fire at the moment and I wanted to take a good fancam of all of them. But someone was oddly in the way. The dark head of someone's was covering my camera.

"Excuse me- could you move to the side a little?" I asked, tapping the person on their shoulder. When they turned around, I was able to see what gender they were. A guy. He turned around to take a peek at me then looked back.

I raised a brow..Maybe he didn't hear me? "Uh..Hello?" I tapped his shoulder once again but his expression seemed more annoyed this time.

"What is it?." He said sternly and I pulled my phone down while everyone was busy jumping and screaming out the lyrics.

"I asked you if you could move?!" I exclaimed, making sure he could hear it this time.

"Why should I?." He grumbled, folding his arms.

"Because you're in my way!" I yelled and he rolled his eyes. Then suddenly everyone started screaming. When I went to go check what it was, I missed them doing their iconic move!

"I paid like 220,000 won!" I complained to the guy and he seemed like as if my words didn't affect him.

He just scratched his head and told me to go out with him. "Huh?! Why would I leave this stadium to chat with you?!" I was absolutely offended at this point.

"It's loud here." He pointed and I rolled my eyes before following him out.

"I spent my life savings on that.." I face palmed myself quite disturbed.

"How should I pay you back?" He was still not understanding me.

"How does paying back do anything?! You've ruined my first moment enjoyer! But I'm guess YOU don't understand that!" I yelled, mentioning his suit and his fancy hair.

"I'm sorry-"

"I've worked up my ass until now to get this chance! But just someone like you had to ruin it of course!" I scoffed, turning away.

Starting With You. /S.Coups x Reader/Where stories live. Discover now