31. Having Enough Of You.

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Taerin's Pov.

"While he-she's busy..I'll guide you out. For the rest, run for your life. I prepared your bags." I warned him, giving him every single information. We tiptoed out into the living room and I helped Seungcheol out.

"It's like you're evicting me.." He grumbled.

I unlocked the door and he paused for a moment. "I'll text you?." He tilted his head and I accepted.

"Just go." I laughed, watching him off. When he ran off into the distance, I closed the door and sat on the couch.

"Hey Taerin- how old are you?" Baekho seemed much more calmer. Thinking about it, his name is rather similar to Baekhyun's. I wonder how he and his girlfriend are doing?

"I'm 26." I answered his question, not wanting to be a brat towards him.

"Ah. I'm 25.." He sulked and I teased him.

"Then you should be more respectful to your noona." I smiled at him and he took a seat. "Anyways, to that..How do I even know if you're the son who's supposed to live here?" I stood up, folding my arms.

"Are you suspicious of me?" He leaned on the dining table.

"Am I not allowed to? I'm a woman." I shrugged, wiping off the dust I brushed from the shelves off my fingers.

"Fair. You can read these chats if you'd like." I approached the table, seeing Seungcheol's phone..He left it?! I snuck it into my pocket for the meanwhile as I took Baekho's phone.

I read through everything and it did give me enough proof that he's staying here. "Where did you come from?" I still interrogated him and he sighed.

"You're really putting me here on the edge, woman." He grumbled, fisting the table.

"Answer me." I hit the table and he raised his hands.

"Calm down." His face was just pissing me off in general. "I came back from studying abroad in America. Now that I finished my studies, I decided to come back here." He simply explained. As much as it didn't look like it..He was probably real smart.

"Damn, I guess you'll be able to get any job you like." I was then thinking about my life. It sounds real shit compared to his.

"Well..Kind of? But right now it's hard." He groaned, I inspected his tattoos a little closer. Damn were they a long line of drawings. I wondered what they meant to him.

"I'm heading out to go shopping, are you coming?" I raised a brow.

"Well aren't you such a nice little kitty?" He smirked, putting his phone in his pocket and putting on his jacket.

"Don't call me pet names. It's disgusting and cringe." I placed my hand in front of his face and he moved it past.

"Alright, alright." He grinned at me. "I'll come though. Where are we going?" His looks were rather attractive, but his personality was what made me want to punch his pretty face of his.

"Uh..Just walk around. Actually..Since you just came, why don't you rest?" I needed a way to bring this phone back to Seungcheol.

"Huh? I'm not tired though." He was getting suspicious of me.

"Don't get the wrong idea, bastard. I just don't want to carry a large man like you if you pass out." I took out my jacket and my hat, getting ready to leave.

"I won't pass out!" He exclaimed.

"Fine. If you won't..come on." I don't trust him alone at my house for a few hours anyways. We headed out together, I felt Seungcheol's phone in my pocket. I needed to figure out how to get this back to him.

"Ooh. Look at that store!" He pointed at a gangster store. That place gave me bad vibes. "Can we go in?!" He begged.

"I'm not your Mother. Do what you want." I scoffed, pushing him away. He sprinted into the store and I took out my phone.

"I need to call him." I rang the number but a vibration was sent to my pocket. "Shit..I'm so stupid. I have his phone..Uh..I should call Soonyoung." I missed him ratherwhile. He hasn't even texted me lately.

I rang him up and he answered. "Hello?" He asked.

"Soonyoung! Is Seungcheol there?" I requested.

"Mhm..Why?" His tone drastically changed..Weird.

"Taerin! Is my phone with you?!" Seungcheol suddenly came. I supposed he was tired from practicing.

"Y-Yeah!" It left me stunned, hearing his voice again. I don't know why I was so nervous.

"I'll meet you up-"

"Nono! I have the visitor with me..I'll just place it somewhere for you." I took a little walk.

"No..I insist. Please?" He begged and I took a breather.

"Fine. But..Are you running?!" I could hear him panting. "But that's Soonyoung's phone-"

"I said that I'd give it back to him!" He yelled. "Now..Look to your front." I could hear him laughing. I looked ahead and as a car passed by, I saw him smile at me from afar.

I slowly put down my phone, seeing him at the other end of the passing lane. It turned green and we met up halfway.. His smile was bright, and he just shone under the sun. "Oh- it's yellow. Come on!" I looked down whilst he held my hand. Then I saw the back of his head as we ran back to my side. "Thanks for taking care of my phone." I passed him the phone, still stunned. "Are you okay?" He leaned closer to my face.

"Y-Yeah!" I backed away, shoving the phone fully into his hands. "Y-You should get going!" I covered my face with embarrassment. My face was so warm..

"I guess so..Thank you again! I'll definitely text you!" He waved, before jogging on back. Isn't his building far?.

"Oh dear..What am I feeling.." I rubbed my head, my heart close to bursting.

"Hey- Taerin! Look what I got!" Baekho came running to me with joy.

"Hm?. Shouldn't you be calling me noona?." I puffed out my cheeks as he just giggled at me. So annoying.

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