30. Dear Me!

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S.Coups' Pov.

I waited in the bathroom, my heart thumping. This was so embarrassing for me..I think this is around the 2nd time I've gone shirtless in front of her.

But as I leaned on the door, she was taking rather long. "Hm.." Her bathroom was nice. Does she really take care of things on her own in this nice house?

Then I heard a bang. I rushed out the door, did something happen to her?! "TAERIN-!?" I gasped, and she just turned to me.

"Seungcheol.." Her eyes gazed downwards to my upper body. "TAKE THE DAMN SHIRT!" She threw it at my face, facing away from me. I quickly put it on.

"You can look now..I'm sorry." I wanted to die already..How embarrassing..

Taerin's Pov.

"Why did you come in like that.." I closed the drawer and he was completely red. Poor him.

"I thought something happened to you.." He scratched his face obviously showing his awkwardness.

"Well..I'm fine." I responded. "By the way. Have you heard about the new movie that came out?" I tilted my head, wondering if he knew it.

"Oh! Yeah! I heard it from Jeonghan. I saw the trailer and it really looks good!" He exclaimed. That must've boosted his mood.

"Well it came out on Netflix. We should watch it." I made him follow me to the living room. "Want snacks?" I offered and he nodded with sparkles in his eyes.

I don't know if it's because he's an idol but he's glowing rather specially tonight. "Is something wrong?" He asked and I drifted my view away from him.

"Nope!" I replied, getting the microwavable popcorn ready. He got the movie prepared as I heated up the popcorn. Gosh..What was I thinking?

I took a seat beside him and we began to watch the movie. He was really into it..It made me happy seeing him happy..

S.Coups' Pov.

I felt something plop on my shoulder. As I went to go look, I saw Taerin sleeping peacefully on my shoulder. But..I was in an uncomfortable position.. "Taerin..You should've waited until I was leaning on the back rest.." I pouted.

But I gently placed my hand on her forehead, making us lean backwards without disrupting her sleep.

I watched the movie until the end..But I remembered nothing, only thinking about her sleeping on my shoulder. A streak of hair fell across her face and I saw her rather irritated. I went closer to put it back behind her ear.

I then saw her closed eyes, then her lips..I felt as if I were dragged by them. I then backed off..Just go to sleep you weirdo!

Taerin's Pov.


A blurry sound was ringing in my ears..Maybe I'm having a bacteria in my ears..

But when I sat up, just someone was spamming the doorbell. "Maybe I'm at the wrong place? But..Uncle said it was here.."

I clenched my hair, forgetting that the son was coming! Wait- Why was he so early?! And Seungcheol was still here-! "Seungcheol! Seungcheol!" I shook him awake as he lazily stared at me.

"Hnn..?" He raised his head, not moving his body.

"Get up! Please!" I pulled his arms desperately but he wasn't budging.

"What for?.." He groaned, standing up.

"I'll explain later!" I pushed him towards my room, shoving him in there. "Stay quiet or I'm going to beat you up!" I slammed the door shut, ignoring the mess though. I had no time to clean up in such short notice.

I took a deep breath and I opened the door. "Hey-!" I wiped my hands and as I glanced up my jaw dropped.

 "Hey-!" I wiped my hands and as I glanced up my jaw dropped

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"What." He scoffed at me. How rude.. "Are you the daughter?" He smirked, grabbing my face. "You're alright, I guess." He shrugged.

I shoved his hand away. "Don't be ridiculous." I groaned, he then pushed me out of the way and forced himself inside. "Hey-" I raised a brow.

"You've got a nice home. But it seems like it's a pig's house." He snorted at me. "Did I interrupt something?" He laughed, staring at the mess.

"Shut up. Your room is over there." I pointed, trying to put everything in the rubbish.

???'s Pov.

I went to go find the room and I glanced at the one on my right. "Was she pointing at this one..or.." I huffed, going to check out both. I opened the one on my right, seeing a body on the ground. Reflex, I screamed. "MURDERER!!" I jumped back, shocking everyone.

The guy woke up all of a sudden and the daughter ran to me. "WHAT?!" She yelled, then seeing the guy looking terrified. "YOU IDIOT!" She slammed the door closed, glaring at me. "I WAS SHOWING THE ONE BEHIND YOU!"

Taerin's Pov.

"What the hell is your name you punk?" I rudely ordered for him to answer me.

"Dong Baekho." He threw his bag on the bed and placed his suitcases beside the door. "I answered now tell me your name."

"Lee Taerin."

"Guessing how you've got a dude hooked up in your room, you're an adult." He looked around his newly room. "Pfft..I might as well tell your Dad that you're bringing guys home."

I shrugged, not caring. "Go on." I chuckled and he was surprised to see me so brave.

"Hah..You're cute." He came closer to me.

"And you're not, I'm afraid." I sighed. "Set out how you like." I went into my room, going to Seungcheol. "You've got to get out of here. And you can't pop up in front of my house anymore, Seungcheol." I ran my hand through my hair and he widened his eyes.

"What- why?"

"I've got a visitor who will stay long..So please hold out until..she leaves." I lied.

"I swear I heard a male." He gritted his teeth but I disagreed.

"Probably your voice. She's a daughter of my Father's friend, apparently." I couldn't get the image of that delinquent out of my head.

(See y'all next year! Get it ? Wink wink LMAOO)

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