3. My Free Time.

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"Can I please go to sleep yet.." Jimun yawned.

"I'm still overthinking.." I mumbled as I laid sidewards on my bed.

"But..You know you're pretty lucky to be meeting a SEVENTEEN member. They've gotten high on social media lately." She then raised her upper body a little by leaning her cheek on her hand.

"I guess. It's pretty cool." I shrugged. "But now it made me feel like I have to force a barrier between us." I sighed, stuffing my face into the pillow.

"He's still human. Why do you have to?" Her voice was croaky but it seemed she was more awake than a few seconds ago.

"Like you said..He's gotten more popular. What do you think his fans will do to me?" I faced back at my phone again to see her still looking at me.

"That's true." She didn't deny one bit. "But seeing your face being so red means you should do something." Without realizing, I had been feeling flustered just by thinking about this situation.

"It's hot okay?!" I kicked the blanket off of me. "I'll hang up! Goodnight!" I huffed, getting ready to press the end button.

"More like good morning." She chuckled, before I hung up on her. It was 3am..I knew I should've gone to sleep so I did of course.



I got up slowly with a good stretch to start off my morning. I had a break today..so I needed to find something to pass time today.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face and then made my breakfast as usual. The sun was shining through the windows brightly but it made me feel warm and ready to go outside.

I ate in silence, then watched some T.V. But as I was finally in my state of mind to think..I remembered all my embarrassing moments. I began choking on my breakfast as I rushed to drink water.

"Ugh..Why does it just keep jumping back to me.." I groaned, leaning back on my couch. I checked my phone for the time and saw that a few people texted me regarding a few things.

I answered most of them and continued to walk around. I then contemplated that it should be time for me to head out. It was already 11am.

I changed into some casual clothes, and headed out, locking the door before leaving fully. I walked through my neighbourhood, the fresh air and the tweeting birds singing to a tune.

I was going to the city to maybe do shopping or something in that direction. I visited almost every shop I walked past by. After a while I had a few bags and a drink in my hand. I was sipping on it while seeing most of the shops.

But ahead of me was a big crowd. I wonder what it was about. I expected it to be some street performer..entertainer.

As I swivelled my way in to the near front..It seems a shooting was happening. I saw a famous actor that I've seen in the big K-Dramas! But they didn't seem pleased for some reason.

I tried to get a little hearing in their talk. "The actress is sick..We have to finish this part today though."

"Then..what should we do?" The actor placed a hand on his hip as everyone started to scream.

"We could use one of the girls here.." I heard the director say. I wonder who'd they pick.

"How about her?" I was still listening in. "Excuse me?" I tried looking for the girl they picked but then the actor padded up to me. "Do you mind shooting this scene with me?" He asked and I was stunned. He was centimetres away from me!

"M-Me?!" My eyes widened as he nodded.

"Here. You can place your bags here." He smiled, helping me with my stuff. He placed the bags near a staff and they gave me a paper. "It's alright if you don't want to do this." His voice was so soothing.

"Uhm-" I saw the crowd's eyes all on me as I was shaking desperately out of nervousness. "I'll do it." I insisted, feeling sweat drip from my head.

"All you have to do is just act out a shocked expression when I come near. Then just push me a little afterwards alright? You've gotta look a bit upset. It doesn't matter if you're not good at acting of course!" He waved his hands with a soft smile upon his face. "Don't be afraid to say a few words!" He exclaimed.

"Oh..Alright!" I was wondering what was happening to be honest. Everyone fixed him up quickly and then the shoot started.

"Ju-A.." He muttered, coming closer to me. I felt the emotion hit me as I let out my shocked yet frustrated expression. "What's wrong.?" He raised his hand to my face as I then pushed him back.

"Don't touch me." I clenched my fists after seeing his facial expression. It felt real for some reason.

"Aaand..Cut!" The director pointed at us as I was finally able to have a breather. Acting really isn't easy..

"You did well!" The actor said to me with a proud face.

"Thank you.." I grinned shyly.

"Are you not an actress?" He asked, folding his arms.

"No. I've never even tried haha." I scratched my neck lightly and he was surprised with my words.

"You seemed experienced for one who's not." He kept praising me so much, I couldn't even handle it. "For helping me today..I'll give you this!" He looked around before taking off his ring.

"Huh- You don't have to!" I exclaimed, backing away. "It must have been expensive!" I panicked.

"What isn't?" He laughed as he insisted on offering me it. "You acted incredibly anyways..Please take it." He took my hand gently, closing the ring into my hand.

"If you say so.." It didn't feel right taking it though. I felt like I was in a game and did some side quest.

"Of course. I don't regret my choices. Have a great day Miss." He waved as I continued with my journey with my bags and drink.

"Have a great day.!" I waved back before leaving the area..What a life I have.

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