46. Have I Not Told You?

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Jimun's Pov.

"Here. This should help clear out the lungs. You 3 are all lucky to not have stayed longer in that carbon monoxide." The doctor passed on a dose to me and Unnie and we took it.

"How's Taerin?" We both questioned, concerned for her.

"She's fine, she probably already had a headache before the monoxide started leaking so we only worried about the leak throughout her body." He explained, taking a sip from his coffee. "After a good sleep she should be back to normal."

Me and Unnie sat there in absolute silence, just processing what we went through. "Oh- uh small question.." The doctor turned back around to us. I had all ears. "Has she..had any sort of party lately?" He raised a brow.

I looked at Unnie and she shrugged, but I had a small idea in our mind. "Yeah.." We synced in, telling the doctor.

"Alright thanks- didn't want to be nosy but you know. Alcohol was found in her. It could also be a part of her headache." He chuckled awkwardly before walking off.

"She drank alcohol?!" Unnie gasped after he left. "What did you give her?!" Unnie jumped out of her seat to scold me.

"I don't have Seungcheol's or Hoshi's number." I frowned, changing the topic randomly. "How are we going to tell them that she came in a near death experience? And we know how they act when it goes on about Taerin." I leaned my face on my palm and groaned.

"We don't. Especially about that it was her own Dad." Unnie replied, keeping a serious face. I was able to make her forget about the alcohol.

"It's not good to keep some things secret though." I brushed off some dust on my clothes and kept talking to her whilst in the hallway of the hospital.

"Exactly. We're not going to be the ones to tell him. Taerin will herself." She took a seat on her chair, slightly slouching.

"Oh-?" I tilted my head. "You scare me sometimes Unnie." I giggled and she punched me lightly.

"We should go check on Taerin." She mentioned as I followed her into the hospital room. It was real nice in the room.

"They said they were going to examine the house. I wonder how long that'll take." I yawned, taking a short stretch.

"It'll probably be a few hours. I think I told them about the knife." She took a stool to sit on and crossed her legs. "Wasn't her Dad overseas though?" She gazed at Taerin.

"Yeah. That's what she told me. I wonder what happened.." I muttered, taking a water bottle out of my bag.

"Why would he do that?" She was confused and I was too. We knew that her Dad wasn't the much attention giver but..we knew that he was rather loving towards the child. Or was he?.

"We can't tell it to Taerin, she'll start having a panic attack." I shook my head and Unnie agreed 100%.

"Seungcheol.." I heard Taerin mumble.

"What did she say?" Unnie asked, leaning closer to Taerin's face.

"She called out that idol's name.q I mean S.Coups-" I gasped. "Do you think she likes him?!" I squealed, glancing at her.

"Definitely!" She squealed with me.

After a few days of checkups, Taerin was back on her feet, good as new. "I feel much better now!" She exclaimed, finally seeing daylight for herself.

"That's good! You already know what happened right?" I asked. Unnie had to take care of the café so she couldn't come to assist Taerin out of her discharge.

"Yeah..A monoxide leak. Crazy. Luckily I'm moving soon." She smiled.

"You should be careful Taerin. You're lucky you're still standing here in fromt of me..Of course I'm glad but you really need to keep an eye out." I held her shoulders and she nodded. But an idea suddenly clicked my brain. I took a good look at her and widened my grin. "You can come live with me in Seoul. How about that!" I offered with joy.

"But my stuff are still there-"

"Oh of course of course! We'll pack up and I'll tell my older sister to pick us up!" I patted her and she accepted. I helped her with packing most of her essentials and important things she needed.

I did text my parents about it and they approved to keeping Taerin. They were on holiday to Italy since that was the only time they would be able to have free time so they trusted me and my older sister to take care of the house and our cat Soo.

"Unnie!" I waved as the window was rolled down.

"Yo!" She clicked her tongue, smirking. "Long time no see Rin!" She exclaimed as we hopped in the car after putting the suitcases in the trunk.

"Hi Unnie!" She smiled, greeting my sister.

Taerin's Pov.

"You'll have tons of fun at our house." She was an exact image of Jimun, it always surprised me.

"I bet I will." I nodded, as we went over a bump.

"Taerin did it." Jimun blurted out and I widened my eyes at her.

"Did what Jimun?" She laughed.

"I was able to recover!" I cackled, smacking Jimun. "I'm so healthy now!" I felt my eye twitch.

"That's right- oh- be quiet. I need to pick up this call." Nari told us before she went to pick up the call.

I snapped my head at Jimun. "What the hell do you know?!" I angrily whispered, grabbing her arm.

"You like Seungcheol and I just know it. And your reactions only confirm." She smirked, making kiss noises. "SeUngCHeOl!" She cackled as we started to have a cat fight at the back.

"Hey Seungmin! How are you?" Seungmin? Jimun knew nothing but she was also curious. "Oh lunch? What for?" We intently listened on in, our nosiness getting the best of us. "Hah! That's nothing to treat me out for lunch" She said. "Your little brother..is..of age? Seungmin- are you crying?"

I furrowed my brows, feeling rather a déja vu coming from that conversation. "I'll come meet you up. Just stop crying. I just have to drop off my little sisters." Oh..She also called me as her little sister. It had a nice feeling to it..

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