Chapter 2 - The Invitation

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September 28 - September 29, 2023

Eqeoneian is a kingdom that resides on an island, far away from the rest of the countries. Since the royal family has had trust issues with the rest of the world for so many years, there's been an unspoken agreement around the world that Eqeoneian is left alone. And in return, Eqeoneian leaves everyone alone as well. As of right now, the royal children of this kingdom are Crown Prince Damian, Prince Jeremiah, Prince Michael, and Princess Talulah Fairchild. King Christopher and Queen Stephanie had the boys rather early into their relationship. Talulah, however, was an unexpected addition to the royal family, having been born by the time the triplets had become young adults. With an age gap of nineteen years, Talulah never got the change to properly bond with her brothers, and their sibling relationship is more distant than Talulah desires. Not getting the attention she wishes she could get from her parents or her brothers, Talulah ended up taking an interest in horseback riding. Currently, her closest friends were the riding instructor her parents had hired, Maxwell Parker, and whichever horse she would take for her lessons.

Mr. Parker - "That was wonderful, Princess Talulah! I haven't seen such talent since I was a boy!"

Talulah - "Haha! Thanks, Mr. Parker! One more time from the top?"

Mr. Parker - "I wish we could, your highness. But your parents have asked me to have you back by 4:00. We'll pick this up tomorrow."

Talulah - "...Alright, Mr. Parker. Come on, Bentley!"

After putting Bentley back in his stall and being escorted by to the castle by Mr. Parker, Talulah gave her parents a quick greeting before heading up to her room. It was clear they were busy with whatever royal duty they'd been given, and Talulah didn't have the energy to fight for their attention. As much as she hated it, Talulah was honestly used to this pattern by now. The most affection she would receive on a daily basis is a glance from her parents, and even then, those moments were rare. Talulah tried spending time with her brothers, but with Damian being the future king, Jeremiah and his wife preparing for their baby, and Michael having his own studies, she was lucky if they had the energy to say her name. Closing the door behind her, Talulah looked around her bedroom, feeling bitter at how it was filled with treasures, but still felt hollow and empty. Christopher and Stephanie felt bad that they couldn't provide the same amount of attention to their daughter as they did with their sons, so they lavish Talulah with expensive gifts and gowns. Jewelry and tiaras made from gold and sapphire, the kingdom's national colors. Her room was littered with whatever a girl her age could ask for, but Talulah wasn't happy. She didn't want the gifts or the clothes, she wanted a hug from her parents, or a smile directed at her from her brothers. Was that too much to ask?

??? - "Your highness? The chef has asked me to inform you that dinner is ready!"

Talulah - "Thank you, Sir. I'm coming."

As per usual, Talulah was the only one at the table. Christopher and Stephanie took their food with them to continue their list of duties, and the boys took theirs to finish their studies. The servants would feel bad, and sit at the table with her, asking her to tell them about her day. Talulah appreciates those people very much, but she still wishes it was her parents that would take the time to ask her if she had learned any new moves while horseback riding. Or if she found any new books in the library she was excited to read. Honestly, she just wants them to ask her if day was even good. Finishing her food and attempting to help with the dishes, to her failure because the servants wouldn't let her, Talulah heads back to her room and sits on the bed.

Taking a journal out from underneath her pillow, Talulah writes down and draws the riding moves she did today, before looking out the window. She knew it was silly, but every night, Talulah would pray and ask to receive affection from her parents and her brothers. Hearing the silence as her answer, as it always was, the young princess switched into a night gown before walking over to her balcony. A place she liked almost as much as the stables was her balcony, where she could do anything she wanted. She could watch the waves crash onto the beach, she could count and draw the birds that flew above the castle. She could even pretend she was having a tea party with her brothers, even if the last time they had done this with her was when she was an infant.

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