Chapter 10 - Sibling Scuffles

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October 13 - October 14, 2023

Talulah - "Uh, Rory? What are you doing?"

Rory - "Just getting ready for bed!"

Rory was currently throwing different pieces of clothing and trinkets off of his bed and onto the floor, much to Talulah's dismay, but she kept it hidden and just watched as her brother somehow made the room even messier than it was. Deciding to ignore Rory's antics, Talulah sat herself down on the bed, letting herself get comfortable in the covers. But as Rory threw more and more things off the side of his bed and onto the floor, Talulah's unofficial OCD kicked in as she got up and started organizing the room.

Rory - "Uh, Talulah? You okay?"

Talulah - "Yep! Just cleaning up a bit."

Rory - "Okay...Why? My room isn't that messy."

Talulah cringed and looked at the chaos of Rory's room before turning towards him and giving a smile before getting back to work. Rory's head tilted to the side with confusion, before he rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone to play some music. The unanticipated music made Talulah flinch and look up at Rory with disbelief, though he didn't notice as he bopped his head to the lyrics in the song.

Talulah - "...Do you always listen to music to fall asleep?"

Rory - "I don't think I can sleep without it. It's relaxing!"

Talulah - "...That kind of music is relaxing?"

Rory - "Definitely!"

The princess rolled her eyes in annoyance before going back to cleaning Rory's room, who only increased the volume on his phone when he heard the shuffling around his room. Talulah folded an assortment of clothes into Rory's closet as well as hanging some of his shirts, then moving around the room to put away all of the items into the desk and cabinets. Rory rolled around in his bed before getting up in an attempt to make Talulah stop cleaning.

Rory - "You know, the room doesn't have to be 100% clean to go to sleep."

Talulah - "I know, I just think it's easier to sleep knowing everything's in its place."

Rory - "...Right...Well, I'm going on a snack raid, you want anything?"

Talulah - "I'm good, thanks, though!"

Rory left the room and looked through the fridge for something to eat when he looked to his left and saw Ava doing the same with the cabinets. Still hearing the shuffling in his room of Talulah cleaning, Rory rolled his eyes and whispered under his breath in annoyance. Ava heard his grumbling and turned to the prankster in concern, who tried reassuring her that it was nothing.

Ava - "Are you alright, Rory?"

Rory - "Huh? Oh, I'm fine, it's just Talulah. She keeps going around my room cleaning everything when it's fine the way it is."

Ava - "Haha! Well, that's Talulah for you! She sure does like everything neat and organized!"

Rory - "Yeah, but does she really need to make the room spotless in order to sleep? It's kind of ridiculous."

Ava giggled and threw a bag of chips at Rory, who smiled in appreciation before he left to his room, where Talulah was, to his annoyance, still cleaning. Rory ripped open the bag of chips and climbed up to the top bunk, where he started eating them and letting the crumbs fall onto the bed and off the side to the floor. Talulah's eye twitched as she saw broken pieces of chips fall to the ground, while Rory just continued eating and listening to his music without any hesitation. Grabbing the trash bin and dragging it towards the crumbs of his snack, Talulah bent down and meticulously grabbed each and every crumb before throwing it into the bin. Rory got up once he'd heard the sound of the trash can dragging across the floor, and he watched with disbelief and slight discomfort as Talulah picked out and threw away the crumbs.

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