Stuff+ a question.

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Yeahhhh ok so if you just want the main points then just read the parts next to the a,b,c, ect

in fact i reccomend reading only the main parts, if youve ever read me do one of these thing you know it is not good to read..(i cant think how to word what i actually want to say but it will make you loose braincells is my point)

wait im going to give an extreamly short main point thing.

A)Demon slayer girlfreind headcannon book is comming back.

B)I suck at updating and will be posting less

C)explaining why i suck at updating

D)explaining why im not posting as much/ comic

E) My phone is still broke but im working on oneshots still again.

F) im changing the cover

anyways i do attempt to explain each thing but uh... well you can see how that is going if you dont already know by now.

the question is right at the end so just scroll there if you want to just read that. idk. I wont just say it becuse asking stuff scares me.

also my hands dont like keyboard typing still so this does look like a two year old got ahold of my keyboard and i apoligise for that but i will go crazy if i edit all that and honestly if i dont post this now i will never do it.

A) Idk if this will actually intrest any of you who read this but im bringing back My demon slayer headcannon's book

 Like before it will be kny girls and a gender neutral reader (or female when i decide to write more gender spesiffic stuff.  Ive been wriing quite a few things for it to make sure i wouldnt run into the same problem i ran into before and i think that i also might make it also a oneshot book but idk. 

There is sort of a motive to this though, im not going to be able to update too often at all and so just having somthing that will take significantly less time but will mean i still did some sort of writting will be nice becuse ill know i updated somthing at least

B)I probably wont be able to update this much at all.

yes im aware i already dont do that recently. I am aware i suck at updating but even when i want to its not as simple as just doing it somtimes i mentioned it before but alot of the time i can just sort of freeze

C) Why do i suck at updating (the shortest explantion i can give becuse otherwise id spend 20 years explaining it)

-I get boerd extreamly easy. that doesnt nessesarly mean i get boerd of the idea its more i cant type as fast as i think of my ideas and then i get boerd of actually typing so i try to fix that by typing another part instead but i either have lost intrest in writing alltogether or ive foregotten what i was writing before or other stuff that ive literally foregotten since im taking so long to write this so uh- point proven i supose.

-Bad memory. i sort of already explained it but i will foreget stuff moments aftre thinking of it, meaning i need to write stuff almost as soon as i think of it or ill foreget about the idea.

-Terrible concentration and focus. somtimes i will just zone out and be staring at my screen for an hour and will have only written like a sentance and ill realise and then i cant ever actually focus on it. When i can focus i really focus on it though but if i get distracted from that i wont be able to focus again.

I think i had somthing else to put but i cant remember becuse fun fact i stared writing this stupid thing days ago. My point im slow af and hav egot the above issues.

-Bad spelling which doesnt help when my cooredanation or whatever its called when you struggle to press the keys is bad. I dont have this problem on my phone, i do on my laptop.

-my brain deteriorates as i write which is why i often say i think i now have one braincell left or this probably sucks. Idk i think too much most of the time and then i have moments i cant thnk no matter what theres no inbetween and its mostly too much all the time and it sucks and hurts my head.

-I cant type nearly as fast on my laptop as i can my phone which makes these problems much worse than usual.

and that is why i suck at posting, especially now when i have no phone still.

D)why wont i post much? (yeah in hindsight this mightve been better as c not d but whatever) beacause im making a comic and other stuff i wont mention that will make me much buisier. Basically im trying to do a bunch of things that will take me alot of time all at once.

now yes in that case it would make sence to decrease the stuff im doing not increase it but i dont like making sence and i really dont want to stop updating this and writing.

Anyway the comic is my favrioute thing i have ever started and its horor adn i love drawing horror and its just amazing i love it so thats like what im doing when i have freetime all the time. like my comic has been my life for the last few months and it will be my main prioroty. Idk i think i mentioned it on my..whatever the page on your profile is called where you can say stuff like i think i made this whole point there when i first strted it months ago but im not sure and i doubt anyone read that. which is like good becuse thats where the real braincell loss happens

E) My phone is still broke but i have been working on oneshots for this. One is a modern au its angst the other is sick shinobu basically. ill probably post the sick shinobu one soon. i just wanted to make it known i am still working on stuff for this.

F or is it Q)now da question. Would anyone be intrested in me making a book just of random kny comic oneshot things? cause i plan to make them for somthing else and i thought that maybe it might make sence if i put them here too but i also dont know because i know this isnt exactly a platform for them which is why im asking if thered be intrest for that. I mean intrest for there to be a book for that here im making then either way (well maybe not rn but at some point)


that was all i had to say so if you read that then thanks for reading my..word vomit..? im not sure what that is.. and i apoligise for any braincells you lost by reading it.

but also eww i hate that word..but word sick sounded weird so i used it.

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