Chapter 5: A New Roomate and New Feelings

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A/n: the pictures don't really have anything to do with the story haha sorry
Well..happy reading I guess?
*Mark's POV*

Mark sighed in relief when he saw his apartment building approaching. Glancing back over at his sleeping friend, who was still making noises mind you, and thought about waking him.

'Nah,' Mark thought to himself, 'I bet he's really tired from his flight, I'll just carry him in.'

When Mark pulled into the driveway, he opened and shut his door quietly, moving around to the other side of the car.

He gently lifted him up and brought him inside.

'wow...he's light does he eat anything?'

Mark maneuvered to his extra bedroom and set him on the bed. Remembering Yami's stuff in the car he started to walk out of the room, stopping only to look back at the Brits sleeping form.

Chuckling and shaking his head he set out to get his friend's luggage, his mind on his new guest.

*Yami's POV*

Yami groaned as he felt strong arms enclose him and pick him up. He tried to move, thinking that he didn't want to burden Mark with his weight, but his body wouldn't listen. He was too jet lagged to lift a finger.

'Wow, for such a short guy he sure is strong.' He thought to himself. His thoughts about Mark's strong arms flashed him to the dream he just woke up from, and if he wasn't so out of it he surely would have buried his face in his hands.

Yami knew that he was a loud sleeper, and he tended talk when he had those kind of dreams. Jesse had told him so many times.

Aaron just hoped to God that this dream was an exception.

The sensation of being placed on a bed and the sound of a door closing left the young blond alone to his sleepy thoughts.

He had no idea what the dream meant.

Does that mean that he's always had feelings for mark and he's just now realizing it?

Yami tried to concentrated on that thought more but sleep eventually took over and lulled him into a comfortable blackness.


A/N: hello everyone! (Aka the three people that have read this so far, but hey I love you guys.) sorry this chapter was so short and sorry it took so long..I've been trying to think of interesting ways to continue the story and if u have and suggestions just comment and let me know. Well thanks for reading, love you all please don't forget to vote! (=゚ω゚)ノ updates coming soon

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