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My running made me end up at a lake, that had a small waterfall lake thing. Slowing down my steps, I started walking towards the water to get a drink. Drinking to sooth our throat from the long and hard run. 

Shifting back to human for, finding a pair of shorts in the tree, I through them on. Sitting down on the green grass in front of the lake looking at the midnight sky. I started throw my fists in the air cussing to the very Moon Goddess calling her out for being so cruel to me. When all I have ever done was the right thing for my people and my pack. She can't take away the love that I had just found, there was no way this could be happening. 

Lying my head in my hand, for the first time in my life I was at a complete loss. Not knowing what to do or think. My emotions were going wild, being pissed off at the world, that I just lost my mate and didn't even get a single chance or moment with her. That I have found and lost my mate within the hour of finding her. That must be some damn record of finding and losing a mate. I should have gotten there sooner; everything was just happening so fast. The fight, motorcycle, her, and well, her. I sat there in my thoughts, only wondering one question to myself.




"Moon Goddess how could you be so cruel to me after all that I have done? Screw you for taking her from me! Screw you and by the way' who do you think you are anyways?!" Shouting at the sky on the top of my lungs. Waving my fists in the air more than ever. Just being angry.

There were no answers to my questions or thoughts. Its night was filled with silence and my own yelling. Suddenly there was a hand on my shoulder making me jump but calmed me down in an instant. Looking up, I saw a woman in white. 

She was stunning, with her beautiful long blonde hair with a silver streak in it, her eyes were of the ocean and sky, with rosy, red lips and the smile of a mother. I couldn't say anything. I'm pretty sure that I was in shock from what was in front of me. The woman kneeled down beside me. Looking at me; studying me with a smile.

"My dear Leo." She said in a motherly tone.

Who was this woman? Where did she come from? How does she know my name?

I had no clue who this woman was. She took a deep breath before she spoke again. It was like she was a pup or kid who did something really wrong and knew she shouldn't have done it at all. But in a calm, collected kind of way. It was really weird.

"Leo my dear child; I am the Moon Goddess." She says, messing with the hem on her dress.

My eyes grew wide, as I can't believe what she just said. I felt my jaw drop a little bit and I couldn't say a single word. It was like my words that were going to come out of my mouth decided to fail me in every possible moment it could, at that very moment. My mouth hung open, but not even a single sound would come out of it. Like I was a damn fish needing water.

"My child, I was the one who opened up the portal that you saw. It was to save her. Your mate is 1000 years from the past from this year. And she may also be, from a different planet too. She is from earth. Earth is a dying world; I had no choice but to send her here Leo." The Goddess says. 

She took another deep breath, before she looked into my eyes.

"Star is one of my most precious creatures, that I have ever created. Star is one of my very first warriors without a wolf; though she has other abilities like to withstand silver or healing more rapidly, and she runs like the wind. Though Star, has been through the ringer a few times, and she is a lot stronger than she looks, don't ever underestimate who or what she is. Her warrior spirit will awaken when the time comes child. Until then help her, guide her, love her with every ounce that you have. Be one. Be the mate that she desperately deserves and longs for." Goddess says in a dead serious tone.

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