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Seeing Sol and other creatures trying to bust into the Emptiness where Star was at. They were slamming into the cocoon hard trying to get in. How, could she do this? We had a plan. This wasn't the plan. Why would she even go this far?! Looking up, Sol was cracking the cocoon. Then the other creatures were cracking it in other spots.




My eyes grew wide at the sight, and sound that was going on over there. Shifting into Hades we run fast to get to the explosions. By the time I was able to reach them, everything was in a shocking state. There was smoke everywhere, with fired lit here and there. The smoke clears to reveal a not moving Star, lying on the ground. Rushing to her side; she was holding a baby Sol chic in her arms, with ashes all around her.


"Please, Moon Goddess I pray not again!" Praying and shouting.


The war was finally over now. My loving Star has been in the hospital for a little over a week. She hasn't moved or has woken up yet, she just lays there, sleeping. It truly looked like she was finally at peace with herself and with the war being over now. We started to reunite and rebuild what was lost over the world. Spreading the world that it was finally over and we won.

The only time that I left her side, was when I was forced to eat something, take a shower, or rest. How could I? My mate lays here; I needed her to wake up to me. Let me be the first person she saw when she awakes. I've been thinking about everything that we went through. All the love and hardships we have both been through until now. I hold our time close to my heart.

Holding Star's hand, laying my head on her lap; I beg for her to wake up; begging for her to come back to me. Telling her that she is my world. That I couldn't do this without her. That I loved her with everything I have and wanting to give her more of it. I have had the best witches and doctors try everything that they could to do without hurting themselves. 

The only thing that they could really come up with is that she was in a deep coma. After the nice firm warning Star gave Gypsy and Claude, we had to be extra careful how they did things so they wouldn't see the horrors for the rest of their days.


"Torcha, are you there? I can't see anything, why? Because I'm really tired of showing up in dark places and have no idea where I am! Torcha, girl are you with me?" Asking in a worried tone.

I couldn't feel her presents', it was making me go into a panic attack. Please, please, tell me I didn't lose that crazy, hotheaded fairy? Putting my face in my hands; I cry hard. I was alone again. This time, I scarified everything. There was no going back from this. We knew that there might be a chance of this happening.

Not being able to see the people that I love again; my mate, the rest of the world that I hold dearly, I will never see them again. Maybe this is my punishment for speaking the unforgivable spell, that I used so long ago? Is this the outcome of me speaking the words again? I started crying harder and harder; the more I thought about it. Being alone in the dark, having no clue, of what was around me. Looking up, I scream in frustration.

"Torcha you, fireball, mood swinging, cocky, big-headed sprite! Get your ass back here! I need you!" Yelling at the top of my lungs, only to hear my own screams.

Luna from the PastWhere stories live. Discover now