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I was flying around this morning, minding my own damn business trying to figure out where the hell that portal came from. I have been looking for the thing that came out of it for two days now. I have this gut feeling that it is in this are somewhere, I just don't know what I'm looking for and Gypsy was no help at all in that matter. My thoughts get interrupted when the hunters thought it would be nice to shoot my ass down with an arrow. How nice of them. Right? Can you hear the sarcasm?

When I get the very chance, I'm going to eat them for a snack for shooting me down. The arrow pierced me on my side, underneath my wing. I don't know how I'm going to get it out because it is in a really weird spot to begin with. The hunters were trying to come closer to me with weapons in their hands. Making me screech at them a few times. Telling them to back off. The presents that I have been looking for is near, I can feel it.

I saw an aura coming around the corner of my eye. Shocked at what I was looking at. This little thing right here, is what I've been searching for? For two days? You have got to be kidding me, she can't do anything. She is so tiny.

Approaching me slowly, she was twirling a blade in her hand, making me nervous. I screeched at her to stay put and she was more than close enough to me. All she did was shake her head and smile back making me more nervous now. Taking in her scent, I couldn't even place what kind of species she was. That's odd. 

The tiny girl was walking with attitude like she owned the place, and no one was going to get in her way from owning all this. Watching her carefully, to make sure she didn't make any sudden movements that would put me in danger. The tiny girl stood in front of me in a protective stance. Twirling her weapons around more she started to speak.

"What a beauty. Don't you think?" Was all I heard.

The tiny girl started taunting the men like crazy. Pissing them off they charged at her. They didn't last but 7 seconds before they were completely dead. The moves that she used were so graceful, so natural, like she had been doing it her whole life. Making it look so easy to kill the enemy. She started walking up to me slowly, be cautious with every step that she was taking. She wiped her knife on her clothing and stuck it behind her. The girl started showing her hands.

I can see that she put her weapons up and putting her hand out show me that she had nothing. I felt this insane pull towards her. Looking into her eyes; I saw a sad story and the tiredness in her. Looking into her soul. I started feeling a connection that I haven't felt in ages. She went to touch me; I gave her a warning again.

The tiny person walked around slowly, looking at my wound. Studying it, she walked away to the closest tree that was next to us. Stabbing it. The tree started to leak. She picked up something that spitting it in her hand and doing it again. What was she doing?

She was going to regret that. Does she even know what that does? Thinking to myself. Walking to my wounded area she started taking the stuff that was in her mouth and applying it on me. Making me flinch a little bit. 

"I'm sorry buddy, I know it hurts and may be tender, but I need to pull it out and it's going to hurt like a bitch." Was what the little person told me.

I knew it was going to hurt a lot. As soon as it is pulled out it will start to heal. If she is willing to take it out for me than I guess, I won't eat her. She pulled the arrow out making me jerk a little bit from the pain. The stuff she put on me was easing the pain down to almost nothing and my wound started healing right there. The tiny girl looked shocked at the rapid healing, taking a step back only making me smile down at her.


We both turned our heads at the noise only to see another 20 hunters coming out of the woods. Those bastards! What did they think they were going to do?! They all paused looking at us then they started charging. The tiny person stood in front of me again in more protective stance this time. She pulled out her weapons fighting and shooting at all that were coming our way.

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